You are here : CRM > Sales Order Maintenance > Follow Up Entry

Follow Up Entry


This option helps to keep record of detailed follow ups done for various Inquiries, Quotations, OAFs and Invoices. Apart from these, general follow ups are also maintained.


Follow-ups can be entered for an Inquiry as long as Quotation is not raised against it. Once Quotation is raised against an Inquiry, follow-ups can not be entered any more.


Follow-ups can be entered for a Quotation as long as Customer Order is not raised against it. Once a Sales Order is raised against a Quotation, follow-ups can not be entered any more.


Follow-ups can be entered for an OAF as long as Sales Invoice is not raised against it. Once a Sales Invoice is raised against an OAF, follow-ups can not be entered any more.


A list of already existing Follow ups will be displayed as follows -



Enter any text you want to search in the list below. The search is applicable to all columns of the list. Once the text is entered, press <ENTER> key. As a result, the list will be refreshed with all those records that contain the entered text fully or partially. In order to go back to the original list, remove the text from the box and press <ENTER> key again.


Follow ups can be added, edited, and viewed provided the Role associated with the currently logged-in user through User Management has the respective rights to do so.


To 'Add' a Follow up, click on the button and to 'Edit', click on the icon on its corresponding record. To view details of a particular Follow up, <DoubleClick> on that record. As a result, following screen will be displayed -

Screen Layout of Inquiry Details


You can 'Add' or 'Edit' a Follow-up but you can not 'Delete' it.

Field Description of Inquiry Details


Specify the Customer who has raised Inquiry.


While 'Adding', click on the field to access a list of already existing Customers defined through Customer Master option. Select your desired Customer from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the Customer. Press <TAB>.


In case of 'Edit' and 'View', Customer will be displayed automatically for the selected Customer and Document Number. It can not be changed.


You can not select a Customer that has been deactivated through Activate/De-Activate Master option in Administrator Tools Module. The help will also not display such Customers.


Follow up Base:

Denotes the Document for which Follow-up is done.


Select any one of the options from the given popup. IMMS allows to maintain Follow-ups for existing Inquiries, Quotations, OAFs, Invoices and independent follow-ups as well.


Follow up Count:

Denotes a unique sequence number for each follow-up of a Document.


While 'Adding', the system will automatically generate a sequence number for each Document.


In case of 'Edit' and 'View', the Follow up Count will be displayed automatically for the selected Customer and Document Number.


Inquiry Details

This sections allows to select Document against which Follow-up is entered.

Inquiry Year:

Denotes the Year of Document against which Follow-up is entered.


While 'Adding', click on the field to access a list of Financial Years. Select your desired Year from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the financial year. Press <TAB>.


Please note that only those Years will be displayed/accepted under which Inquiries/Quotations/OAFs/Invoices already exist.


In case of 'Edit' and 'View', Inquiry Year will be displayed automatically for the selected Customer and Document Number. It can not be changed.


Inquiry Group:

Denotes the Group of Document against which Follow-up is entered.


While 'Adding', click on the field to access a list of Document Groups belonging to the selected Financial Year. Select your desired Group from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the Document Group. Press <TAB>.


Please note that only those Groups will be displayed/accepted under which Inquiries/Quotations/OAFs/Invoices already exist.


In case of 'Edit' and 'View', Inquiry Group will be displayed automatically for the selected Customer and Document Number. It can not be changed.


Inquiry Site:

Denotes the Site of Document against which Follow-up is entered.


While 'Adding', click on the field to access a list of Document Sites belonging to the selected Financial Year. Select your desired Site from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the Document Site. Press <TAB>.


Please note that only those Sites will be displayed/accepted under which Inquiries/Quotations/OAFs/Invoices already exist.


In case of 'Edit' and 'View', Inquiry Site will be displayed automatically for the selected Customer and Document Number. It can not be changed.


Inquiry Number:

Denotes the Number of Document against which Follow-up is entered.


While 'Adding', click on the field to access a list of Document Numbers belonging to the selected Financial Year, Group and Site. Select your desired Number from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the Number. Press <TAB>.


Please note that all Numbers will be displayed/accepted including those against which Follow-ups have already been entered. Please note that in case Follow Up is being entered for Inquiries, than Inquiries that have been closed through Inquiry Close Entry option will not be displayed/accepted.


In case of 'Edit' and 'View', Inquiry Number will be displayed automatically for the selected Customer and Document Number. It can not be changed.


Inquiry Date:

Automatically displays the Date of the selected Inquiry/Quotation/OAF/Invoice Number for your reference.

Follow Up Details

Follow Up Count:

Automatically generated sequence number.


Follow Up Date:

Denotes the Date of Follow-up.


While 'Adding', enter the Date of Follow-up. It should be within the Current Period date range. Press <TAB>.


In case of 'Edit' and 'View', Date of Follow-up will be displayed automatically for the selected Document Year, Group, Site and Number. You can change it in 'Edit' mode.

Expected Response Date:

Denotes the Date when a response is expected from the Customer.


While 'Adding' a new Follow-up, enter the date when the response is expected from the Customer. It can not be before the Follow-up Date. Press <TAB>.

In case of 'Edit' and 'View', Expected Response Date of the Follow-up already entered for the selected Document Number will be displayed automatically. You can change it in 'Edit' mode.

Follow Up Time:

Denotes the time spent on Follow-up in hours.


While 'Adding' a new Follow-up, enter the Time Spent by the Salesman in following-up in hours. Press <TAB>.

In case of 'Edit' and 'View', Time Spent on the Follow-up already entered for the selected Inquiry Number will be displayed automatically. You can change it in 'Edit' mode.


Denotes the Salesman Code of the Follow-up.

While 'Adding' a new Follow-up, the Salesman of the selected Document Number will be displayed by default. You can change it.

In case of 'Edit' and 'View', Salesman Code of the Follow-up already entered for the selected Document Number will be displayed automatically. You can change it in 'Edit' mode.


To change the Salesman, click on the field to access a list of already existing Employees defined through Employee Master option of Administrator Tools Module. Select your desired Employee from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the Employee Code. Press <TAB>.

Salesman Name:

Name of the selected Employee will be displayed automatically.


Denotes the method used for Follow-up of the Document.


While 'Adding' a new Follow-up, click on the field. Specify the way in which the Salesman followed up this particular Document Number. Click on the field to access a list of already existing Follow-up Methods defined through Codes Master Entry (Code Type = 'MF') option of Administrator Tools Module. Select your desired Method from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the Method. Press <TAB>.

In case of 'Edit' and 'View', Method of the Follow-up already entered for the selected Inquiry Number will be displayed automatically. You can NOT change in 'Edit' mode.


Denotes the Remarks related to the Follow-up.


While 'Adding' a new Follow-up, click on the field. Now enter Remarks if any related to this particular follow-up. Press <TAB>.

In case of 'Edit' and 'View', Remarks for the Follow-up already entered for the selected Document Number will be displayed automatically. You can change it in 'Edit' mode.

Next Follow Up Salesman:

Denotes the Salesman Code of the next Follow-up.


While 'Adding' a new Follow-up, the Salesman of the selected Document Number will be displayed by default. You can change it.

In case of 'Edit' and 'View', Salesman Code of the Follow-up already entered for the selected Document Number will be displayed automatically. You can change it in 'Edit' mode.


To change the Salesman, click on the field to access a list of already existing Employees defined through Employee Master option of Administrator Tools Module. Select your desired Employee from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the Employee Code. Press <TAB>.

Next Salesman Name:

Name of the selected Employee will be displayed automatically.

Next Follow Up Agenda:

Denotes the Agenda for the next Follow-up.

While 'Adding' a new Follow-up, enter the Agenda for the next Follow-up.

In case of 'Edit' and 'View', Agenda of the next Follow-up for the selected Document Number will be displayed automatically. You can change it in 'Edit' mode.

Next Follow Up Date:

Denotes the Date for next Follow-up.


While 'Adding' a new Follow-up, enter the next Follow-up date for the Document.

In case of 'Edit' and 'View', Next Follow-up Date for the selected Customer and Document Number will be displayed automatically. You can change it in 'Edit' mode.


Store various drawing and image files related to the selected Item through this section.

Click on to select the files or images. As a result, Windows Explorer will open to select the files from their respective paths. You can also drag the files from the Windows Explorer and drop them to this section. The File will be displayed in the list below. IMMS allows to select following type of files-

A list of Files will be displayed as follows-



While 'Adding' a new Item, this list will be empty.

In case of 'Edit', and 'View' and this list will display all the attached Files for the selected Item.


Field Description of the list-


To view a particular File, click on icon of its record.

To delete a File , click on the icon of its record.


Sr, No.:

Denotes the sequential number of the File.


File Name:

Denotes the name of the attached File.


File Path:

Denotes the path of the attached File.


File Size:

Denotes the size of the attached File.



Denotes the Mode by which the Document has to be sent.


Click on the box. Select 'Mail', 'Post' or 'Both' from the given list.


Document Type:

Denotes the Type of Document.


Click on the box. Select the appropriate option from the given list.


Document No:

Click on the box. Enter the number of the Document.


Document Revision No:

Click on the box. Enter the Revision Number of the Document.


Created By:

Denotes the name of the person who has created the Document.


Created Date:

Denotes the date when the Document was created.

Once you have entered all the information related to the Follow-up, click on 'Save' button to save it or 'Cancel' to discard. The control will go back to the list.