You are here : CRM > Sales Master > Agent Commission Master
This master allows you to maintain amount of commission fixed with various Agents for selling different Items to different Customers.
Further, while receiving an Order, the Agent can be specified for each Item sold through him to a particular Customer. Finally after the Invoice is made, commission of the Agent is calculated as per the percentage of commission fixed with him applicable on the Invoice amount of that Item.
Select this option by clicking on it if you want to access data in the order of Agents and then Items.
Select this option by clicking on it if you want to access data in the order of Items and then Agents.
Agent: This field will not be displayed if Item wise / Agent wise Commission option is chosen. Otherwise it will be displayed. Specify the Agent for whom Commissions have to be entered/changed. Click on the field to access a list of Vendors who have been declared as Agents through Vendor Master Entry option of Purchase Module. Select your desired Agent from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the Agent . Press <TAB>. Only those Vendors will be displayed/accepted who have been declared as Agents through Vendor Master Entry option of Purchase Module . Sales Item: Specify the Sales Item If you want to enter Commission for that particular Item only OR Keep this field blank if you want to enter Commission for all Sales Items belonging to a particular Class. To enter a particular Sale Item, click on the icon on the field to access a list of Sales Items defined through Sales Item Master : Product/Spares option. Select your desired Sales Item from the list by scrolling down to it and click on 'Continue' button. Alternatively you can also enter the Sales Item Code. Press <TAB>. Please note that if Itemwise / Agentwise Commission option is chosen, the help list will display only those Sales Items for which Commission figures have already been entered.
This field will not be displayed if Item wise / Agent wise Commission option is chosen. Otherwise it will be displayed.
Specify the Agent for whom Commissions have to be entered/changed. Click on the field to access a list of Vendors who have been declared as Agents through Vendor Master Entry option of Purchase Module. Select your desired Agent from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the Agent . Press <TAB>.
Only those Vendors will be displayed/accepted who have been declared as Agents through Vendor Master Entry option of Purchase Module .
Specify the Sales Item If you want to enter Commission for that particular Item only OR Keep this field blank if you want to enter Commission for all Sales Items belonging to a particular Class.
To enter a particular Sale Item, click on the icon on the field to access a list of Sales Items defined through Sales Item Master : Product/Spares option. Select your desired Sales Item from the list by scrolling down to it and click on 'Continue' button. Alternatively you can also enter the Sales Item Code. Press <TAB>.
Please note that if Itemwise / Agentwise Commission option is chosen, the help list will display only those Sales Items for which Commission figures have already been entered.
You can not select a Sales Item that has been deactivated through Activate/De-Activate Master option in Administrator Tools Module. The help will also not display such Sales Items. Item Class: Specifies the Item Class of an Item. Class of the Sales Item will be displayed automatically if it is entered in the above field. In case the Sales Item is not selected, this field will remain blank. Enter the Item Class so that the commission can be entered for all Sales Items belonging to that Class. Click on the field to access a list of already existing Item Classes defined though Codes Master Entry (Code Type = 'MC') option in Administrator Tools Module. Select your desired Item Class from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the Item Class. Please note that if Itemwise / Agentwise Commission option is chosen, the help list will display only those Item Classes for which Commission figures have already been entered for the Items belonging to them.
You can not select a Sales Item that has been deactivated through Activate/De-Activate Master option in Administrator Tools Module. The help will also not display such Sales Items.
Specifies the Item Class of an Item.
Class of the Sales Item will be displayed automatically if it is entered in the above field.
In case the Sales Item is not selected, this field will remain blank. Enter the Item Class so that the commission can be entered for all Sales Items belonging to that Class. Click on the field to access a list of already existing Item Classes defined though Codes Master Entry (Code Type = 'MC') option in Administrator Tools Module. Select your desired Item Class from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the Item Class.
Please note that if Itemwise / Agentwise Commission option is chosen, the help list will display only those Item Classes for which Commission figures have already been entered for the Items belonging to them.
Next, a grid populated with Sales Items is displayed as follows - Please note that the grid will be populated as per the following conditions - In case Sales Item is specified, the grid will display only that Item. Commission for only that Sales Item can be entered. In case Item Class is specified, the grid will be populated and displayed with all Sales Items belonging to the selected Item Class. Further, Sales Commission previously entered for one or more Items will be displayed in respective columns of the grid while rest of them will be shown blank.
Next, a grid populated with Sales Items is displayed as follows -
Please note that the grid will be populated as per the following conditions -
Further, Sales Commission previously entered for one or more Items will be displayed in respective columns of the grid while rest of them will be shown blank.
Tip : In case you want to change the existing figures or enter commission data for a particular Item, you need to first select that Item by clicking on the small white box. Please note that figures can be entered/changed for selected Items only. Field Description of the grid - Agent Code: This field will be displayed in the grid if Item wise / Agent wise Commission option is chosen. Otherwise it will NOT be displayed. Click on the field to access a list of Vendors who have been declared as Agents through Vendor Master Entry option of Purchase Module. Select your desired Agent from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the Agent Code. Press <TAB>. Only those Vendors will be displayed/accepted who have been declared as Agents through Vendor Master Entry option of Purchase Module . Agent Name: Name of the selected Agent will be displayed automatically. Sales Item Code: Displays the Sales Item Code. Sales Item Description: Displays the Description of the Sales Item Code. Customer Code: Specifies the Customer for which the Commission can be given to the Agent. If you want to enter or change the previous value, click on the icon on the field to access a list of Customers defined through Customer Master option. Select your desired Customer from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the Customer. Press <TAB>. Nothing can be entered if 'N.A.' is chosen. Customer Name: Description of the selected Customer will be displayed automatically. Internal Item Code: Displays the Internal Item Code of the Sales Item. Internal Item Name: Displays the Internal Item Description of the Sales Item. Commission Type: Specifies whether the Commission in on Percentage or Value. If you want to enter or change the previous value, press <ENTER> on the field. Now select 'N.A.', 'Percentage' or 'Value' from the given popup. Press <TAB>. Commission Value: Specifies the Commission Value. If you want to enter or change the previous value, click on the field. Now enter the Value or Percentage of Commission as per the selected Comm. Type. Nothing can be entered if 'N.A.' is chosen. Valid Upto: Specifies the date up to which the Commission is valid. If you want to enter or change the previous value, click on the field. Now enter the Date. Nothing can be entered if 'N.A.' is chosen.
Tip : In case you want to change the existing figures or enter commission data for a particular Item, you need to first select that Item by clicking on the small white box. Please note that figures can be entered/changed for selected Items only.
Field Description of the grid -
Agent Code: This field will be displayed in the grid if Item wise / Agent wise Commission option is chosen. Otherwise it will NOT be displayed. Click on the field to access a list of Vendors who have been declared as Agents through Vendor Master Entry option of Purchase Module. Select your desired Agent from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the Agent Code. Press <TAB>. Only those Vendors will be displayed/accepted who have been declared as Agents through Vendor Master Entry option of Purchase Module . Agent Name: Name of the selected Agent will be displayed automatically.
Agent Code:
This field will be displayed in the grid if Item wise / Agent wise Commission option is chosen. Otherwise it will NOT be displayed.
Click on the field to access a list of Vendors who have been declared as Agents through Vendor Master Entry option of Purchase Module. Select your desired Agent from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the Agent Code. Press <TAB>.
Agent Name:
Name of the selected Agent will be displayed automatically.
Sales Item Code:
Displays the Sales Item Code.
Sales Item Description:
Displays the Description of the Sales Item Code.
Customer Code:
Specifies the Customer for which the Commission can be given to the Agent.
If you want to enter or change the previous value, click on the icon on the field to access a list of Customers defined through Customer Master option. Select your desired Customer from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the Customer. Press <TAB>. Nothing can be entered if 'N.A.' is chosen.
Customer Name:
Description of the selected Customer will be displayed automatically.
Internal Item Code:
Displays the Internal Item Code of the Sales Item.
Internal Item Name:
Displays the Internal Item Description of the Sales Item.
Commission Type:
Specifies whether the Commission in on Percentage or Value.
If you want to enter or change the previous value, press <ENTER> on the field. Now select 'N.A.', 'Percentage' or 'Value' from the given popup. Press <TAB>.
Commission Value:
Specifies the Commission Value.
If you want to enter or change the previous value, click on the field. Now enter the Value or Percentage of Commission as per the selected Comm. Type. Nothing can be entered if 'N.A.' is chosen.
Valid Upto:
Specifies the date up to which the Commission is valid.
If you want to enter or change the previous value, click on the field. Now enter the Date. Nothing can be entered if 'N.A.' is chosen.
Commission Type: You can use this field to collectively change the data in 'Commission Type' field of all Items displayed in the grid. Specify the Type of Commission. Select either 'N.A.', 'Percentage' or 'Value' from the given popup. Press <TAB>. Commission Value: You can use this field to collectively change the data in 'Comm Value' field of all Items displayed in the grid. Specify the Value of Commission. Enter Value or Percentage of Commission as per the selected 'Comm. Type'. Nothing can be entered if 'N.A.' is chosen. Valid Upto: You can use this field to collectively change the data in 'Valid Upto' field of all Items displayed in the grid. Enter the date up to which the Commission is valid. Nothing can be entered if 'N.A.' is chosen.
You can use this field to collectively change the data in 'Commission Type' field of all Items displayed in the grid.
Specify the Type of Commission. Select either 'N.A.', 'Percentage' or 'Value' from the given popup. Press <TAB>.
You can use this field to collectively change the data in 'Comm Value' field of all Items displayed in the grid.
Specify the Value of Commission. Enter Value or Percentage of Commission as per the selected 'Comm. Type'. Nothing can be entered if 'N.A.' is chosen.
You can use this field to collectively change the data in 'Valid Upto' field of all Items displayed in the grid.
Enter the date up to which the Commission is valid. Nothing can be entered if 'N.A.' is chosen.
Once values in the above three fields are entered, click on button. As a result these values will be filled automatically in their respective columns for all Items in the grid.
Once you have entered all the information, click on 'Save' button to save or 'Cancel' button to discard.