You are here : Quality Control & Assurance > Masters > QC Entry for GRN QC Entry for GRN
This option allows to perform quality checks on all the material received in the warehouse from various Vendors. A list of ‘Goods Receipt Notes’ pending for QC are displayed to enter Accepted Quantity and Rejected Quantity with Reason and Remarks. IMMS allows to enter partial quantities as long as they are less than the received quantity of that Item and keeps track of the quantity pending for QC during subsequent entries. Please note that QC can be done for Authorized GRNs only.
Apart from maintaining the QC related quantities, this option also stores the observations related to the QC Parameters of an Item.
A list of already entered QCs will be displayed as follows -
Enter any text you want to search in the list below. The search is applicable to all columns of the list. Once the text is entered, press <ENTER> key. As a result, the list will be refreshed with all those records that contain the entered text fully or partially. In order to go back to the original list, remove the text from the box and press <ENTER> key again.
IMMS provides the facility to filter the records on the basis of their status. Click on the field and select either 'All', 'Authorized', 'Pending for Authorization' or 'Deleted'. Selecting 'All' will display all records, authorized as well as unauthorized. Selecting 'Authorized' will display only authorized records. Selecting 'Pending for Authorization' will displays only those records that are yet to be authorized. Selecting 'Deleted' will displays only the deleted records.
Once QC data is entered, it is compulsory to authorize it to make it effective. Subsequent QC data can be entered for the same Item and GRN only when the previous data is authorized. Moreover, after authorization it is NOT possible to modify or delete that QC Document. This facility prevents it being altered by any unauthorized staff.
To authorize a particular QC data, select the corresponding record by clicking on the small white check box. You can de-select the record by clicking on the same box again. You can select multiple records in the same way. Once done, click on the |
QC data can be added, edited, deleted and viewed in this master provided the Role associated with the currently logged-in user through User Management has the respective rights to do so.
To 'Add' QC data, click on the button and to 'Edit', click on the
icon on its corresponding record. Click on the
icon to delete QC data for a particular Item. To view QC data of a particular Item, <DoubleClick> on that record. As a result, following screen will be displayed -
Specify the QC details as follows -
While 'Adding', current financial year is displayed which can not be changed.
In case of 'Edit', and 'View', financial year of the selected record will be displayed automatically. You can not change it.
Specify the Group of the QC.
While 'Adding', the Group which has been specified as default for the selected financial year through Document Control Master
option in Administrator Toolswill be displayed automatically.
You can change it by clicking on the field to access a list of already defined QC Groups for the entered Year though Document Control Master option in Administrator Tools Module. Select your desired Group from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the Group.
In case of 'Edit', and 'View', Group of the selected record will be displayed automatically. You can not change it.
Specify the Site of the QC.
While 'Adding', the Site if any specified with the selected Group
will be displayed automatically.
Click on the field to access a list of already defined Sites. Select your desired Site from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the Site.
In case of 'Edit', and 'View', Site of the selected record will be displayed automatically. You can not change it.
(Type : Alphanumeric, Length : 6)
While 'Adding', QC Number is either generated automatically or entered manually by the user.
Generation of QC Number is a flag driven option and depends upon the setting of flag 'Auto Number Generate Required'through Document Control Master option in Administrator Tools Module.
Click here to read more about the flag...
In case of 'Edit', and 'View', Number of the selected record will be displayed automatically. You can not change it.
While 'Adding', enter the Date of QC. Today's date is displayed by default. You can change it but it should fall within the Current Period. Press <TAB>.
In case of 'Edit', and 'View', QC Date will be displayed automatically as per the selected QC Number. You can not change it.
GRN Type:
Specify the Type of GRN against which QC has to be done.
While 'Adding', select one of the following options from the given popup by selecting it -
In case of 'Edit', and 'View', QC Type will be displayed automatically as per the selected QC Number. You can not change it.
Click on button to continue.
You can not add any new rows in this grid.
While 'Adding', this grid will be populated with a list of all authorized GRNs generated before or on the entered QC Date belonging to the selected Type. Please recall that GRNs are generated through GRN EntryGRN Entry option of Store & Inventory Module.
Only those Items belonging to the GRNs will be considered and displayed in the grid for which -
In case of 'Edit', and 'View' mode, this grid will be populated with QC data belonging to the selected QC Number. You can change it in 'Edit' mode.
The system also displays the corresponding Purchase Order details of the currently selected GRN at the right top corner of the grid.
You can enter data in some QC related fields while rest of the fields are for your information purpose. Enter QC related data in the following fields -
Please note that IMMS provides facility to maintain observations related to the QC Parameters of an Item once Accepted / Rejected Quantity has been entered. Click on |
Acc. PUOM:
Entry in this field is allowed only in case of non-Dimension Item.
Click on the field. Now enter the quantity of Item accepted in Purchase Unit of Measurement.
Please note that subsequent QC data can be entered for the same Item and GRN only when the previous data is authorized.
The sum of 'Qty Accepted (PUOM)' and 'Qty Rejected (PUOM)' should not be more than the 'Pending Qty for QC (PUOM)'.
Acc. IUOM:
(Type : Numeric, Length : 9.4)
Entry in this field is allowed only in case of Dimension Item.
Click on the field. Now enter the quantity of Item accepted in Internal Unit of Measurement.
The sum of 'Qty Accepted (IUOM)' and 'Qty Rejected (IUOM)' should not be more than the 'Pending Qty for QC (IUOM)'.
Rej (PUOM):
(Type : Numeric, Length : 9.4)
Entry in this field is allowed only in case of non-Dimension Item.
Click on the field. Now enter the quantity of Item rejected in Purchase Unit of Measurement.
Please note that subsequent QC data can be entered for the same Item and GRN only when the previous data is authorized.
The sum of 'Qty Accepted (PUOM)' and 'Qty Rejected (PUOM)' should not be more than the 'Pending Qty for QC (PUOM)'.
Rej (IUOM):
(Type : Numeric, Length : 9.4)
Entry in this field is allowed only in case of Dimension Item.
Click on the field. Now enter the quantity of Item rejected in Internal Unit of Measurement.
The sum of 'Qty Accepted (IUOM)' and 'Qty Rejected (IUOM)' should not be more than the 'Pending Qty for QC (IUOM)'.
Reason Code:
In case some quantity of the Item is rejected, it is mandatory to enter reason for the same.
Click on the field to access a list of Reasons already defined through Codes Master - Entry (Code Type = 'RC') option of Administrator Tools Module. Select your desired Reason from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the Reason. Press <TAB>.
Enter Remarks if any related to the Item. Click on the field and starting typing the remarks.
TC Required:
Automatically displays 'Yes' or 'No' as specified for the Item through Item Master QC option. You can not change it here.
TC Number:
(Type : Alphanumeric, Length : 30)
Click on the field. Now enter the Test Certificate Number of the Item. Please note that if the value of 'TC Required' field is 'Yes', it is mandatory to enter the TC Number, otherwise you can keep it blank.
TC Date:
Click on the field. Now enter the Test Certificate Date of the Item. Please note that if the value of 'TC Required' field is 'Yes', it is mandatory to enter the TC Number, otherwise you can keep it blank.
Click on button to continue.
Click on the button to upload all the attached Files.
Once you have entered all the information related to the QC, click on 'Save' button to save it or 'Cancel' button to discard. The control will go back to the list.