Vendor's Item:
Enter the Vendor's Item Code for the selected Item.
Denotes the Unit of Measurement in which the Item will be purchased from the Vendor.
Click on the field to access a list of Purchase Unit of Measurement specified for the selected Item
through Item Master Purchase Entry option. Select your desired Purchase UOM from the list by scrolling down to it
and pressing <ENTER>.
Please note that only the 'Purchase' Unit of Measurement will be displayed.
PUOM Description:
Description of the selected Purchase Unit of Measurement will be displayed automatically.
Vendor Priority:
Denotes the Priority of the Vendor for the said Item.
Currency Code:
Denotes the Currency Code in which the selected Vendor deals in.
In 'Add' mode, the selected Vendor's Currency as specified through Vendor Master Entry option will be displayed by default.
But IMMS also provides the facility to maintain Item Vendor relationship in currencies other than this. Press <ENTER> on the field and delete the existing Currency Code. Now press <F5> key to access a list of Currencies defined through Currency Master option of Administrator Tools Module. Select your desired Currency from the list by scrolling
down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter
the Currency Code.
In case of 'Edit' and 'Search' modes, the Currency Code specified for the selected Vendor and Item combination will be displayed automatically. You can change it only by selecting Single
Item option in 'Edit' mode.
Currency Desc:
Displays the Description of the Currency Code for your reference.
Basic Pur. Price:
(Type : Numeric, Length : 9.4)
Click on the field. Enter the Basic Purchase Price offered by the Vendor for the
Item. Press <TAB>.
Discount Type:
Click on the field. Select the Type of Discount offered by the Vendor for the Item from
the list. It can be 'None' , 'Percentage' or 'Value' .
Discount Value:
In case of 'Percentage' and 'Value', this field will be enabled to enter
the figure. In case of 'None', it will be disabled.
Landed Price (PUOM):
Item's Landed Price is calculated automatically using its Basic Price,
applicable Rate Structure and Discount offered if any.
If the selected Vendor deals in foreign currency, IMMS takes care of
calculating the Item's Landed Price accordingly.
Item's Landed Price is calculated as follows -
In case of Domestic Currency, the entered Basic Price is considered as it is. But in case of Foreign Currency, the Basic Price is first converted in to Domestic
Currency by using the latest buying rate of exchange entered through the Exchange
Rate Master Entry option in Administrator Tools
The percentage / amount
of Purchase Rates belonging to each Tax Rate applicable in the selected
Rate Structure is added up. Only those tax rates are considered for which
the purchase rate should be excluded.
If the Tax Rates are
of 'Percentage' type then the total percentage of the Basic Price is calculated
and Item's Landed Price is calculated by adding that amount to the Basic
Price. Otherwise if the Tax Rates are of 'Value' type then the Item's
Landed Price is calculated by adding total amount to the Basic Price.
Discounts offered if
any are calculated and deducted from the Item's Landed Price.
In case of Domestic Currency, the calculated Item's Landed Price is displayed as it is but in case of Foreign Currency, the calculated Item's Landed Price which is still in Domestic Currency will be converted back into Foreign Currency by using the latest Exchange Rate and displayed.
Rate Structure:
Click on the field to access a list of Rate Structures defined through
Structure Master - Entry . Select your desired Rate Structure from the list by scrolling
down to it and pressing <ENTER>.
Once the Rate Structure is specified, another screen below displays all the information related to that Rate Structure for your reference. Read more...
Rate Structure Description:
Description of the selected Rate Structure Code will be displayed automatically for your reference.
Other Details:
Click on 'Add/Edit details' link in the field. As a result, following screen appear -
Click on the field to access a list of Reason Codes defined through Codes Master Entry (Code Type = 'RC') option in Administrator Tools Module. Select your desired Reason from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the Reason.
Enter any Remarks related to this entry.
Last Updated:
Automatically displays the last Date on which editions were done.
Once done, click on 'Ok' button to continue or 'Cancel' button to discard. The control goes back to the grid.
Delivery Days:
(Type : Numeric, Length : 3)
Click on the field. Enter the number of days required to deliver the Item by the Vendor.
Create User Code - Name:
Automatically displays the Code and Name of the logged in User who has created the Item Vendor Purchase relationship. You can NOT change it.
Last Update Date:
Automatically displays the last Date and Time on which changes were done.
Is Default:
Denotes whether or not the Vendor is a default for the said Item. There can be only one default Vendor for an Item.
In 'Add' mode, click on the field. A popup will be displayed as a result.
Select 'Yes' if the Vendor is a default Vendor for the Item. While creating a Purchase Order for this Item, the default Vendor will be displayed initially which if required can be changed by the user.
Select 'No' if the Vendor is not a default one for the Item.
Please note that in case the flag is being set as 'Yes' and some other Vendor is already set as default, IMMS will confirm whether you want to set the new Vendor as default or not. In case you choose 'Yes', IMMS will set the 'IsDefault' field as 'Yes' and will automatically change the previous default Vendor as 'No'.
In case of 'Edit' and 'Search' modes, you can change the value of this field. Click on the field and then click on the small arrow. Select 'Yes' or 'No' as per your requirement. Press <TAB>.
Please note that in case the flag is being changed from 'Yes' to 'No' and there is no other Vendor set as default, IMMS will not allow to change the flag and displays an appropriate message. In case the flag is being changed from 'No' to 'Yes', IMMS will first confirm whether the value has to be changed or not. Since there can be only one default Vendor, while changing the current status of field as 'Yes', IMMS will automatically change the value of default Vendor to 'No'.
Denotes whether the combination of Item, Vendor, PUOM, Currency Code and Rate Structure is active or not. If the box is displayed as checked, this particular combination will be available to enter in Purchase Order. In case it is inactive, the box will be displayed empty and as a result the combination will not be available to enter in Purchase Order.
In 'Add' mode, by default the box will be displayed as ticked.
In case of 'Edit' and 'Search' modes, the box will be displayed as checked as per the selected Item Vendor combination. You can change the status of this box by clicking on the box in 'Edit' mode. Please note that the status can be changed only if the combination of Item, Vendor, PUOM, Currency Code and Rate Structure is not a default one ('IsDefault' = 'N')
Minimum Order Quantity (PUOM):
(Type : Numeric, Length : user defined)
Please note that if the flag 'Do you want to use Master Control Form' is set as 'On' through Purchase Policy option of Administrator Tools Module, the user can NOT change the value of this field in 'Edit' mode. But it can be entered while adding a new entry in 'Add' mode.
If the flag is set as 'Off', the user can add or edit the value of this field.
Click on the field. Enter the Minimum Quantity that can be ordered
for the selected Item from the selected Vendor. It can NOT be zero. Additionally, MOQ quantity should be entered in proportion to the EOQ. For example, if EOQ is 5, than MOQ cannot be < 5 and should be 5,10,15,20... Press <TAB>.
IMMS provides the facility to restrict the number of digits that can be entered after the decimal in this field for each Purchase Unit of Measurement. Therefore the number of digits that can be entered after decimal in this field will be same as the number entered in 'Digits After Decimal' for the current PUOM through Codes Master - Entry (Code Type = 'UM') option of Administrator Tools Module.
Maximum Order Quantity (PUOM):
(Type : Numeric, Length : user defined)
Press <ENTER> on the field. Enter the Maximum Quantity that can be ordered
for the selected Item from the selected Vendor. It can NOT be zero and should be more than the Minimum Order Quantity. Press <ENTER>.
IMMS provides the facility to restrict the number of digits that can be entered after the decimal in this field for each Purchase Unit of Measurement. Therefore the number of digits that can be entered after decimal in this field will be same as the number entered in 'Digits After Decimal' for the current PUOM through Codes Master - Entry (Code Type = 'UM') option of Administrator Tools Module.
(Type : Numeric, Length : user defined)
Please note that if the flag 'Do you want to use Master Control Form' is set as 'On' through Purchase Policy option of Administrator Tools Module, the user can NOT change the value of this field in 'Edit' mode. But it can be entered while adding a new entry in 'Add' mode.
If the flag is set as 'Off', the user can add or edit the value of this field.
Enter Economic Value that can be ordered
for the selected Item from the selected Vendor. It should be less than or equal to the Minimum Order Quantity. Additionally, EOQ quantity should be entered in proportion to the Minimum Order Quantity.
There are certain items which are available
as per their standard minimum measurements only. Such items have to be
purchased in the multiples of the value specified in Economic Order. For
example if a rod is available in standard measurement of 6 meters and
the requirement is of 10 meters, then the rod has to be procured in the
multiples of 6, i.e., 12 meters.
Automatically displays the latest Exchange Rate of the Currency specified through the Exchange
Rate Master Entry option in Administrator Tools
Denotes the Harmonized System Nomenclature for the Item Vendor Purchase relationship.
A list of all Rate Codes specified for the selected Rate Structure will be displayed in a grid as follows -