You are here : Production > Labour Production Functions > Labour Production Entry

Labour Production Entry


This option allows to enter production related realistic details of 'Inside Operations' being performed while a Work Order is under execution. It keeps track of the quantity of each Work Order Item produced on the respective Work Center. Details of each machine such as setup time, operation time, overtime and idle time involved in manufacturing the Work Order Item on respective Shop Floors is also maintained.


Please note that Labour Production Details can be entered in a sequential order of Operations (considering both 'Inside' and 'Outside') mentioned in the Work Order. Lets take an example of a Work Order that has a Process Sheet as follows -


Sr. No      Inside/Outside      Operation Number


1.                     Inside                         1.

2.                     Outside                      2.

3.                     Inside                         3.


In this case, the Labour Production details will be first entered for the Operation Number 1 as it is an 'Inside' operation. The Operation Number 2 which is an 'Outside' Operation will be performed next. The third Operation performed would be again an 'Inside' Operation but its Labour Production details can be entered only after the second Operation has been performed.


IMMS allows to enter Labour Production details for both Rework Production as well as Normal Production through this option. Rework Production details can be entered only for those Work Orders that require some quantity of the Item to be reworked due to some reasons.


Further please note that once some quantity of Work Order Item is produced, its Quality Control Checks can be done through Labour Production QC Entry option in Quality Control & Assurance Module. Quality Checks can be entered only for those Operations of the Work Order that have 'QC Reqd' flag set as 'Yes' .


Once Production (both Normal and Rework) is booked through this option, it can NOT be changed at later stage. But IMMS provides a separate option to change the already booked time of Production through Labour Production Entry For Time Change option.


Screen Layout of Labour Production Details

Field Description of Labour Production Details

Basic Details

Labour Production:

Select either 'Normal' if its a normal Labour Production or 'Rework' if its a rework type of production.



Specify the Shop for which you want to enter the Labour Production Details.


Click on the field to access a list of Shops that have been specified in the Work Orders. Select your desired Shop from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the Shop. Press <TAB>.


Please note that -

  • The Shop(s) will be displayed/accepted only if Work Order have already been generated. Otherwise you can not proceed further.
  • Shop(s) on which the next 'Inside' Operation has to be performed will only be displayed/accepted.


Specifies the person who has entered the Labour Production details.


Click on the field to access a list of existing Employees defined though Employee Master option of Administrator Tools Module. Select your desired Employee from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the Employee. Press <TAB>.


You can not select an Employee that has been deactivated through Activate/De-activate Master option in Administrator Tools Module. The help list will also not display such Employees.


Report Date:

Enter/select the date of entering Labour Production details. By default current date is displayed which can be changed. It should fall between the Period Start Date and Period End Date. Press <TAB>.


Please note that once the Date is entered, IMMS will automatically display the total number of hours already booked by the selected Employee for the given date. This information is displayed because IMMS does not allow an Employee to book more than 24 hrs of production in a single day.


SJO Year:

Denotes the Year of SJO. You can keep this field blank.


Current financial year will be displayed by default. You can change it. To do so, click on the field to access a list of Financial Years under which SJOs already exist. Select your desired Year from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the Year. Press <TAB>.


SJO Group:

Denotes the Group of SJO. You can keep this field blank.


Click on the field to access a list of SJO Groups under which SJOs already exist for the selected Year. Select your desired SJO Group from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the SJO Group. Press <TAB>.


SJO Number:

Denotes the SJO Number. You can keep this field blank. In that case all SJOs will be considered.


Click on the field to access a list of SJO Numbers belonging to the selected Year and SJO Group created through SJO Entry option of Planning Module. Select your desired SJO Number from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the SJO Number. Press <TAB>.


WO Year:

Denotes the Year of WO. You can keep this field blank.


Click on the field to access a list of Financial Years under which WOs already exist. Select your desired Year from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the Year. Press <TAB>.


WO Group:

Denotes the Group of WO. You can keep this field blank.


Click on the field to access a list of WO Groups under which WOs already exist for the selected Year. Select your desired WO Group from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the WO Group. Press <TAB>.


WO Number:

Denotes the WO Number. You can keep this field blank. In that case all WOs will be considered.


Click on the field to access a list of WO Numbers belonging to the selected Year and WO Group created through Work Order Maintenance option of Planning Module. Select your desired WO Number from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the WO Number. Press <TAB>.


Please note that in case SJO Number has been specified, than only those WO Numbers will be displayed/accepted that belong to the selected SJO Number.

Want to retain Header Level detail for next entry?

Turn this flag 'On' by clicking on it if you want to repeat the above details while adding next Labour Production Entry. The user need not enter the same data again and that saves data entry time. If this option is turned 'Off', all the fields will become empty while booking next Labour Production and the user has to enter them.

Click on button to continue.

Screen Layout of Operation Details

Field Description of Operation Details

Operation Details

Depending upon the above selection criteria, a list of all Work Orders along with their SJO details will be displayed as shown above -


Please note that -

  • only those Work Orders will be displayed which are being executed at a Work Centre that has been linked with the selected Shop through Shop Work Centre Link Master option of Materials Module.
  • those Work Orders will be displayed for which Labour Production details are still pending to be entered against an 'Inside' Operation.
  • those Work Orders will be displayed that need to be Reworked on. Please note that Rework Quantity of a Work Order Item is entered through Labour Production QC Entry option of Quality Control & Assurance Module.

Field Description of the grid -

WO Number

Displays the Work Order details in the Year/Group/Site/No format for your reference.


Operation No

Displays the Operation Number of the Work Order for which Production details can be entered.


Operation Code:

Displays the Operation Code of the Work Order for which Production details can be entered.


Operation Description:

Displays the Description of the Operation Code for your reference.


Item Code

Displays the Work Order Item being produced for your reference.


Item Name:

Displays the Name of the Item Code for your reference.


Item Ref. Code:

Displays the Reference Code of the Item as specified through Item Master Basic Details - Entry option of Materials Module for your information.



Displays the Unit of Measurement of the Item being produced for your reference.


I/O Flag

Displays 'I' to indicate 'Inside' Operation.


Shop Work Centre

Displays the Work Centre at which the production of the Work order is being carried out. This Work Centre is also linked with the selected Shop through Shop Work Centre Link Master option of Materials Module.


SJO Number

Displays the SJO for which the Work Order was generated. The SJO details are displayed in Year/Group/Site/Number format for your reference.


Position No

Displays the Position Number of the Item in the Sales Job Order for your reference.


Qty in Process

This field displays the quantity of the Work Order Item that is under production. For the first time this quantity will be the same as the required quantity mentioned in the Work Order. Since IMMS allows to enter partial quantity produced, this field will subsequently display the pending quantity to be produced as Required Quantity - total Produced Quantity.

Production Qty

(Type : Numeric, Length : 9.4)


Denotes the quantity of the Work order Item produced during the current production.


Click on the field.


In case 'Do you want to generate Item Serial in Labour Production Entry?' flag of Shop Policy option of Administrator Tools Module is set as 'Off' -

Enter the quantity of the Work Order Item produced during the current production. It can not be more than the quantity under process ( 'Qty in Process') OR Rework quantity ('InPrc Rework Qty') . Press <TAB>.

In case 'Do you want to generate Item Serial in Labour Production Entry?' flag of Shop Policy option of Administrator Tools Module is set as 'On' -

Enter the quantity of the Work Order Item produced during the current production. It can not be more than the quantity under process ( 'Qty in Process') OR Rework quantity ('InPrc Rework Qty') . Press <TAB>.

Serial No:

Click on the field. Now enter the new Serial Number of the Item being produced. Press <TAB>. Please note that it should be unique otherwise IMMS will display an appropriate message.



Click on the field. Now enter the quantity of the Item Serial Number being produced. Please note that the entered quantity can not be more than 1.


Once done, click on 'OK' button to save the details and go back to the previous screen. The sum of all 'Qty' entered here will be displayed in the 'Production Qty' field of the previous grid. It can not be more than the quantity under process ( 'Qty in Process') OR Rework quantity ('InPrc Rework Qty') . Press <TAB>. Click on 'Cancel' button to discard and go back to the previous screen.

Please note that Production Quantity can be entered only if required material has been Issued by the stores against the Requisition raised by the Production department. Otherwise an appropriate message will be displayed.


Moreover, if the flag 'Want to Ensure Raw Material Required in Proportion to the WO Item Production' is set as 'On' through Shop Policy option of Administrator Tools Module, IMMS will NOT allow to enter production quantity until and unless the quantity of all the required Raw Material  issued is in proportion to the required Work Order quantity.


If the flag is set as 'Off', IMMS will allow production even if the quantity of all the required Raw Material  issued is NOT in proportion to the required Work Order quantity.


InPrc Rework Qty

This field will display the Rework Quantity of the Work Order Item that was mentioned through Labour Production QC Entry option of Quality Control & Assurance Module.


Setup time

Enter the time taken to set up the Work Centre in Hours:Minutes:Seconds format. You need to press <TAB> after entering the number of Hours, Minutes and Seconds.

Please note that in case the total production time ('Setup Time' + 'Opr Time') is more than the percentage of excess allowed on standard production time for the Operation (specified through Work Order Maintenance - Process Sheet Details option of Planning Module), IMMS will display an appropriate message. Also the Reason for the same becomes mandatory to be entered in

'Remark for Excess Time Entry' field displayed in the end of the grid.


Please note that IMMS does not allow an Employee to book more than 24 hrs of production in a single day. Hence if the already booked hours + currently entered production time is more than 24 hours, an appropriate message will be displayed.


Opr Time

Enter the time taken for the Operation to be performed in Hours:Minutes:Seconds format. You need to press <TAB> after entering the number of Hours, Minutes and Seconds.


Please note that in case the total production time ('Setup Time' + 'Opr Time') is more than the percentage of excess allowed on standard production time for the Operation (specified through Work Order Maintenance - Process Sheet Details option of Planning Module), IMMS will display an appropriate message. Also the Reason for the same becomes mandatory to be entered in

'Remark for Excess Time Entry' field displayed in the end of the grid.


Please note that IMMS does not allow an Employee to book more than 24 hrs of production in a single day. Hence if the already booked hours + currently entered production time is more than 24 hours, an appropriate message will be displayed.


Idle Time

Enter the time for which the machine was idle in Hours:Minutes:Seconds format. You need to press <TAB> after entering the number of Hours, Minutes and Seconds.

Please note that IMMS does not allow an Employee to book more than 24 hrs of production in a single day. Hence if the already booked hours + currently entered production time is more than 24 hours, an appropriate message will be displayed.


Non Productive Time

Enter the time for which the machine was non productive in Hours:Minutes:Seconds format. You need to press <TAB> after entering the number of Hours, Minutes and Seconds.

Please note that IMMS does not allow an Employee to book more than 24 hrs of production in a single day. Hence if the already booked hours + currently entered production time is more than 24 hours, an appropriate message will be displayed.


Idle/Non Productive Code

This field will be enabled only in case Idle or Non-Productive Time has been entered. Otherwise it remains disabled.


Click on the field to access a list of existing Idle/Non-Productive Codes defined though Idle Non-Productive Master option. Select your desired Code from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the Code. Press <TAB>.



Description of the selected Idle/Non-Productive Code will be displayed automatically.



Enter the over time for this Operation in Hours:Minutes:Seconds format. You need to press <TAB> after entering the number of Hours, Minutes and Seconds.

Please note that IMMS does not allow an Employee to book more than 24 hrs of production in a single day. Hence if the already booked hours + currently entered production time is more than 24 hours, an appropriate message will be displayed.


Assembly Remark

(Type : Alphanumeric, Length : 255)


Enter Remark, if any, related to the Work Order under production. Press <TAB>.


Loss Hours Remark

(Type : Alphanumeric, Length : 255)


Enter Remarks, if any, related to the loss of hours in production of the Work Order. Press <TAB>.

Start Time:

This field will be visible only when the flag 'Want to maintain Start and End datetime wise Labor Production?' is set as 'On' through Shop Policy option of Administrator Tools Module. Otherwise it will not be visible.


Press <ENTER> on the field. Now enter the Time at which the Process should start.


End Time:

This field will be visible only when the flag 'Want to maintain Start and End datetime wise Labor Production?' is set as 'On' through Shop Policy option of Administrator Tools Module. Otherwise it will not be visible.


By default the Start Time will be displayed automatically which can be changed. Press <TAB> on the field. Now enter the Time at which the Process should end.

Remark for Excess Time Entry:

(Type : Alphanumeric, Length : 255)


This field will be visible only when the total production time ('Setup Time' + 'Opr Time') is more than the percentage of excess allowed on standard production time for the Operation (specified through Work Order Maintenance - Process Sheet Details option of Planning Module).


Click on the field. Now enter the reasons or remarks for Excess Time entered.



(Type : Alphanumeric, Length : 255)


Enter Remarks, if any, related to the Work Order Item being produced. Press <TAB>.

Once you have entered all the information related to the production, click on 'Save' button to save it or 'Cancel' to discard.