You are here : Planning > Sales/Shop Order Maintenance > Allocation/WO Creation > Work Order Details

Work Order Details

This option displays a list of all the Work Orders existing against the selected Manufactured/Assembly Item.


Please note that Work Order related information is only for your reference purpose. You can not make any changes through this option.

Screen Layout of Work Order Details

Field Description of Work Order Details

A grid displays all the existing Work Orders made for the selected Parent Item in a grid as shown above -


Field Description of the grid -

WO Number:

Displays the Work Order Number for your reference.


WO Order Qty:

Displays the Work Order Quantity for your reference.


WO Receive Qty:

Displays the quantity of Work Order that has already been received till now for your reference.


WO Rejected Qty:

Displays the quantity of Work Order that has been rejected for your reference.


WO Short Close Qty:

Displays the quantity of Work Order that has already been Short Closed your reference.


WO Status:

Displays the current Status of the Work Order for your reference.


WO Date:

Displays the Work Order Date for your reference.

Click on 'Ok' button to close the Work Order Detail screen and go back to the previous screen.