You are here : Planning > Sales/Shop Order Maintenance > SJO Short Close
A Sales Job Order under production can be stopped by Short Closing it. IMMS allows to Short Close multiple SJOs.
There are certain criteria that should be fulfilled before an SJO can be Short Closed -
In case any of the above mentioned criteria exists for an SJO, a report listing the respective details is displayed. The SJO can be Short Closed only once you have done the needful with the help of this report.
A list of all open but authorized Sales Job Orders along with their other details is displayed in a grid as shown above.
Press <SPACEBAR> key on the row of desired SJOs that have to be Short Closed. You can multiple SJOs at a time. To de-select a particular SJO, press <SPACEBAR> again on the row.
Additionally, press either <F2> or <ENTER> key on the row of an SJO to enter remarks, if any related to that SJO. It is optional to enter remarks. Following screen will be displayed to enter Remarks -
Enter Remarks, if any related to the selected SJO.
Once entered click on 'Ok' button to save and continue. Click on 'Cancel' button to discard and go back.
Once you have selected the SJO, click on 'Save' icon to finally Short Close or 'Cancel' icon to discard. Click on 'Close' icon to go back to main menu.
A list of all selected SJOs along with their Short Close status will be displayed in a grid as follows-
In case there are some activities such as Allocation, Purchase Order creation, CCN Entry, Work Orders creation etc against the selected Sales Job Order, a log report will be displayed indicating those activities. You can refer this report in order to undo all these activities of the SJO Item. An SJO can be Short Closed only after these activities are undone. In case there are no such activities against the selected SJOs, they will be Short Closed directly without any report being displayed. Sample Report
Once a Sales Job Order is Short Closed, it can not be accessed.