You are here : Planning > Sales/Shop Order Maintenance > SJO Print

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SJO Print


This report provides information related to the selected Sales Job Order.

Screen Layout of SJO Print

Selection Criteria

Site Selection


Specify the Site for the report.


Currently logged in Site will be displayed by default. Click on the field to access a list of already defined Sites for the currently logged in Company. Please note that only those Sites will be displayed for which the currently logged-in User has the rights to access. Select your desired Site from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the Site. Press <TAB>.

Date Range Selection

From Date:

Enter the date starting which the SJOs should be considered for the report. By default today's date is displayed which can be changed. Press <TAB>.


To Date:

Enter the date up to which the SJOs should be considered for the report. By default today's date is displayed which can be changed. Press <TA

Click on button to display a list of all SJOs falling under the specified date range.

Click on the small white box to select or de-select a particular SJO. You can select multiple SJOs in the same fashion.


Only the selected SJO Numbers will be considered for the report.


Click on icon to email SJO details as an attachment.



Click on 'Reset' button to remove the current selection criteria.


Click on 'Print' button to finally view or take a print out of the report.


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