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Allocate Item

Allocation reserves mentioned quantity (Maximum Allocation Quantity) of the said item in a particular warehouse depending on its availability and requirement.


Please note the following points for allocation -

Allocation can be done ONLY if On hand stock is available for the selected Item. The available stock in hand quantity will not include previously allocated quantity.


If the above condition is fulfilled, a grid populated with all the Warehouses in which the selected Item is available will be displayed as follows -



Field Description of the grid -


WH Code

Displays the Code of the Warehouse in which the Item is available.



Displays the Description of the Warehouse.


Free OnHand Qty

Displays the Stock in Hand of the Item available in this Warehouse.


Allocation Qty

(Type : Numeric, Length : 9.4)


Click on the field. Enter the quantity of the Item that has to be allocated right now. This quantity can not be more than the Maximum Allocation Quantity or Free OnHand Quantity. IMMS allows to allocate partial quantity.

Max Alc Qty:

Displays the maximum quantity of the Item that can be allocated for your reference.


For the first time, 'Max Alc Qty' is calculated and displayed as required quantity of that Child Item with respect to the SJO Quantity (also called Demand Quantity).


Demand Quantity = Quantity Required X SJO Quantity.

where 'Quantity Required' is the quantity of the Child Item required to make a single unit of its Parent Item in CBOM.


Once Allocation is done, 'Maximum Allocation Quantity' is automatically updated by deducting the Allocated Quantity from Demand Quantity. No more allocation can be done once 'Maximum Allocation Quantity' has reached zero.

Tot Alc Qty:

Displays the total quantity of the Item has been allocated till now for your reference.

Click on 'Allocate' button to finally allocate the entered quantity of the Item.

Click on 'Cancel' button to discard.


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