In case of 'Edit'mode, the data in this field can not be changed.
Position No
This field is applicable only while adding a new Child Item or deleting an existing Child Item in the Product Structure. In rest of the cases it will remain disabled.
If a new Child Item is being added (Status = 'Add'), this field automatically displays the next position
(by incrementing the last position by one) at which a Child Item will be added in the Product Structure. This value is displayed for your reference purpose and can not be changed.
If an existing Child Item has to be deleted or replaced (Status = 'Delete' / 'Replace'), click on the field. A list of Child Items along with their
respective positions will be displayed. Select your desired Child Item from the list by
scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>.
Last Position
Displays the last position in the Product Structure of the Parent Item where some addition/replacement/deletion was done for your information purpose.
Relation Type
the type of relationship between the Parent Item and Child Item by selecting
appropriate option.
Please note that this field will remain disabled in case the Status is selected as 'Revision'.
Click on the field to select one of the following relationships -
Child Code
This field is enabled only in case of adding (Status = 'Add') a new Child Item in the Product Structure and in case of Status = 'Revision'.
In order to add a new Child Item, specify
the Child Item that you want to add in the Product Structure of the Parent
Item -
Click on the
icon to access a list of already existing Items defined
though Item
Master Basic Detail - Entry option. Select your desired Item from the list
by scrolling down to it and click on 'Continue' button. All Items Types will be considered here.
Please note that -
- Child Item can not be
same as Parent Item. IMMS will display an appropriate message in case
both are same.
- In case the new Child Item is of 'Assembly', 'Manufactured' or 'Sub Contracting' type, the system will check whether its Product Structure has already been frozen or not. If it is not frozen, the system will display an appropriate message and halt the process of adding a new Child Item.
Please make sure to select a Feature Item if the relationship is of
Feature Type. Like other Items, Feature Items are defined through Item
Master Basic Detail - Entry option with Item
Type as 'FT'.
In case a Child Item has to be removed or replaced (Status = 'Delete' / 'Replace') from the Product Structure, this field will display the Code of the Child Item at the selected Position Number.
In case the Revision Number of Parent Item has to be changed (Status = 'Revision'), specify the Parent Item by clicking on the field. Click on the
icon to access a list of already existing Items defined
though Item
Master Basic Detail - Entry option. Select your desired Item from the list
by scrolling down to it and click on 'Continue' button.
Please note that only 'Assembly (AS)', 'Manufactured (MK)' and 'Read Sub-Assembly (RS)' type of Items will be displayed/accepted here.
Child Code Description
Description of the selected Child Item will be displayed automatically.
Old Quantity
While adding a new Child Item (Status = 'Add'), this field will display zero. It can not be changed.
In case a Child Item has to be removed or replaced (Status = 'Delete' / 'Replace') from the Product Structure, this field will display the old quantity of the Child Item at the selected Position Number for your information purpose. It can not be changed.
Child IUOM
Displays the Internal Unit of Measurement of the Child Item for your information. It can not be changed.
Replace/New Child Code
This field is enabled only in case of replacing (Status = 'Replace') an existing Child Item with a new one in the Product Structure. It will remain disabled in rest of the cases.
Click on the
icon to access a list of already existing Items defined
though Item
Master Basic Detail - Entry option. Select your desired Item from the list
by scrolling down to it and click on 'Continue' button. All Items Types except 'Scrap' will be considered here.
Please note that Child Item can not be
same as Parent Item. IMMS will display an appropriate message in case
both are same. Moreover, if the Child Item is of 'MK' or 'AS' type, the system will accept it only if its Product Structure is complete and frozen.
Please make sure to select a Feature Item if the relationship is of
Feature Type. Like other Items, Feature Items are defined through Item
Master Basic Detail - Entry option with Item
Type as 'FT'.
Replace Child Code Description
Description of the selected Child Item will be displayed automatically.
(Type : Numeric, Length : 9.4)
In case the Status = 'Replace' , this field will remain disabled.
In case a Child Item has to be removed (Status = 'Delete') from the Product Structure, this field will display the quantity of the Child Item at the selected Position Number for your information purpose. It can not be changed.
In case a Child Item has to be replaced (Status = 'Replace') from the Product Structure, the system will check the following -
- If the option 'Do you want to retain original quantity of Old Child Item in Replace ECN when IUOM of both Item Same?' is ticked, the system will check the IUOM of both the old and new Child Items. In case both are same, the quantity of the old Child Item will be displayed automatically in this field which can be changed. In case the IUOM of both old and new Child Items are different, the system will display zero in this field by default and it can be changed.
- If the option 'Do you want to retain original quantity of Old Child Item in Replace ECN when IUOM of both Item Same?' is NOT ticked, the system will not compare the IUOM of both the Child Item. Instead zero will be displayed in this field by default which can be changed.
In case a new Child Item has to be added (Status = 'Add') or a Child Item has to be replaced (Status = 'Replace'), click on the field. Now enter the quantity of Child Item required in manufacturing one quantity of the Parent
In case the selected Child Item is a Dimension Item
(Items which are consumed in terms of their dimensions)
and the flag 'Dimension wise Stock Keeping Required?' is set as 'On', IMMS allows to maintain their Quantity in terms of their Size or Weight.
Whether 'No of Pieces' should be maintained or 'Weight' should be maintained depends upon the setting of flag 'How Dimensions will be used in Requirement Calculation from BOM?' defined for the Sub-Class of the selected Child Item through Class/Sub-Class Master option of Administrator Tools Module.
If 'S - BOM Quantity will be in Dimensions and Number of Pieces' is selected, the Dimension Item will be considered by its Size and Number of Pieces and therefore 'No of Pieces' will be maintained.
If 'W - BOM Quantity will be in Weight/Length and Dimensions will be used in calculating Weight/Length' is selected, the Dimension Item will be considered by its Weight and therefore 'Weight' will be maintained.
In case the flag is set as 'W', simply enter the Weight of the selected Dimension Item needed to make the Parent Item.
In case the flag is set as 'S', a small box displays its dimensions as mentioned through Item
Master Basic Detail - Entry will be displayed as follows -
If the flag 'Allow to Change Dim1?' is set as 'On', than the user can change Dimension 1 during Indent generation. If 'Off' is chosen, a user can not change the dimension 1.
If the flag 'Allow to Change Dim2?' is set as 'On', than the user can change Dimension 2 during Indent generation. If 'Off' is chosen, a user can not change the dimension 2.
If the flag 'Allow to Change Dim3?' is set as 'On', than the user can change Dimension 3 during Indent generation. If 'Off' is chosen, a user can not change the dimension 3.
No. of Pieces: (Type : Numeric, Length : 4) Enter the number of pieces required for the L*B*T Item.
Weight of the L*B*T Item is calculated automatically on the basis of its formula entered for its combination of Material and Sub-Class through Formula Builder option in Materials Module. That product is further multiplied by the Density of the Item and the Number of Pieces entered.
where Density of the Item's Material is specified through Density Master option in Materials Module.
Once done, click on 'Ok' button to continue. As a result, the control goes back to the grid and 'No of Pieces' entered in the box will be displayed in the 'Child Qty' field of the grid.
Click on 'Cancel' button to discard.
In case the selected Child Item is a Dimension Item
(Items which are consumed in terms of their dimensions)
and the flag 'Dimension wise Stock Keeping Required?' is set as 'Off', IMMS allows to maintain their Quantity in terms of their Length or Weight.
Whether 'Length' should be maintained or 'Weight' should be maintained depends upon the setting of flag 'Dimension will be used to Derive' defined for the selected Child Item through Item
Master Basic Detail - Entry option of Administrator Tools Module.
If 'L - Length' is selected, the Dimension Item will be considered by its Length and therefore 'Length' will be maintained.
If 'W - Weight' is selected, the Dimension Item will be considered by its Weight and therefore 'Weight' will be maintained.
A small box with the dimensions as mentioned through Item
Master Basic Detail - Entry will be displayed as follows -
If the flag 'Allow to Change Dim1?' is set as 'On', than the user can change Dimension 1 during Indent generation. If 'Off' is chosen, a user can not change the dimension 1.
If the flag 'Allow to Change Dim2?' is set as 'On', than the user can change Dimension 2 during Indent generation. If 'Off' is chosen, a user can not change the dimension 2.
If the flag 'Allow to Change Dim3?' is set as 'On', than the user can change Dimension 3 during Indent generation. If 'Off' is chosen, a user can not change the dimension 3.
No. of Pieces: (Type : Numeric, Length : 4) Enter the number of pieces required for the L*B*T Item.
Weight of the L*B*T Item is calculated automatically on the basis of its formula entered for its combination of Material and Sub-Class through Formula Builder option in Materials Module. That product is further multiplied by the Density of the Item and the Number of Pieces entered.
where Density of the Item's Material is specified through Density Master option in Materials Module.
In case the flag is set as 'L - Length', the system will calculate and save the Length as (Length * No. of Pieces) entered for the Dimension Item.
Once done, click on 'Ok' button to continue. As a result, the control goes back to the grid and depending upon the flag, either calculated 'Weight' or calculated 'Length' will be displayed in the 'Child Qty' field of the grid.
Click on 'Cancel' button to discard.
Replace Child IUOM
This field is enabled only in case of replacing (Status = 'Replace') an existing Child Item with a new one in the Product Structure. It will remain disabled in rest of the cases.
Automatically displays the Internal Unit of Measurement of the new Child Item for your information. It can not be changed.
(Type : Alphanumeric, Length : 600)
Click on the field. Now enter the remarks, if any related to the Child Item.
Specify Reason if any for the selected action.
Please note that this field will remain disabled in case the Status is selected as 'Revision'.
Click on the field. A list of existing Reasons defined though
Master Entry (Code Type = 'CR') option in Administrator
Tools Module will be displayed. Select your desired Reason from the list by clicking on it.
Reason Description
Description of the selected Reason Code will be displayed
Drawing Revision
Automatically displays the existing Drawing Revision Number, if any of the selected Parent Item (in the field 'Child Code') as specified through Item
Master Basic Detail - Entry option. You can not change it.
Item Revision No
Automatically displays the existing Revision Number, if any of the selected Parent Item (in the field 'Child Code') as specified through Item
Master Basic Detail - Entry option. You can not change it.
New Drawing Revision
This field is enabled only in case of revision (Status = 'Revision'). It will remain disabled in rest of the cases.
Click on the field. Now enter the new Drawing Revision Number of the selected Parent Item. Press <TAB>.
Please note that once this ECN Number is applied, the Drawing Revision Number will also be updated automatically in Item
Master Basic Detail - Entry option.
New Item Revision No
This field is enabled only in case of revision (Status = 'Revision'). It will remain disabled in rest of the cases.
Click n the field. Now enter the new Revision Number of the selected Parent Item. Press <TAB>.
Please note that once this ECN Number is applied, the Item Revision Number will also be updated automatically in Item
Master Basic Detail - Entry option.
IMMS provides facility to delete or replace a particular Child Item from Product Structures of all Parent Items through this grid -
Click on
icon to remove a particular row from the grid.
Denotes the action to be performed on the Product Structure of ALL Parent Items.
Click on the field. Now select either 'Delete' or 'Replace' from the provided list.
Delete - to remove a Child Item from all existing Product Structures
Replace - to change an existing Child Item in all Product Structures with another one
Child Code
the Child Item that you want to delete or replace in Product Structures of all Parent
Click on the
icon to access a list of already existing Items defined
though Item
Master Basic Detail - Entry option. Select your desired Item from the list
by scrolling down to it and click on 'Continue' button. All Items Types will be considered here.
Child Code Description
Description of the selected Child Item will be displayed automatically.
Replace Child Code
This field is enabled only in case of replacing (Status = 'Replace') an existing Child Item with a new one in all Product Structures.
Click on the
icon to access a list of already existing Items defined
though Item
Master Basic Detail - Entry option. Select your desired Item from the list
by scrolling down to it and click on 'Continue' button. All Items Types will be considered here.
Replace Child Code Description
Description of the selected Child Item will be displayed automatically.
This field will be enabled only in case of replace (Status = 'Replace').
Click on the field. Now enter the quantity of the new Child Item required.
note that the changes made in a Product Structure through ECN Entry option
will come into effect only when they are applied through ECN Apply option.