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CCN Entry


Customer Changes Note (CCN) allows to modify the Customer Bill of Material while particular customer order is under execution at shop by adding and/or removing a child item for a particular parent item. Changes can be made at various stages until the Sales Job Order is closed.


Changes can be made only to a frozen Customer Bill of Material of an SJO. A Customer BOM can be frozen while generating it through Generate CBOM option.


Please note that the changes made to a Customer Bill of Material through this option come into affect only after they are applied through CCN Apply option.


Through this option, Customer Bill of Material belonging to a Parent Item of one or more SJOs can be changed.


Please note that through CCN Entry option, the Customer Bill of Material can include 'MK' or 'AS' type of Child Items that have Work Order flag set as 'N' in Item Master Basic Detail - Entry but when the Demand is generated for the given Sales Job Order, further Child Items of such 'MK' or 'AS' type of Items will get added under the Grandparent. The 'MK' or 'AS' type of Parent Item will not be reflected in the Demand.


By default, a list of all existing Customer Changes Notes will be displayed as follows -


Enter any text you want to search in the list below. The search is applicable to all columns of the list. Once the text is entered, press <ENTER> key. As a result, the list will be refreshed with all those records that contain the entered text fully or partially. In order to go back to the original list, remove the text from the box and press <ENTER> key again.


CCNs can be added, edited, deleted and viewed provided the Role associated with the currently logged-in user through User Management has the respective rights to do so. These actions are explained as under -


To 'Add' a CCN, click on the button and to 'Edit'a CCN click on the icon on its corresponding record. To 'Delete' a CCN, click on the icon of its record. To view a particular CCN, <DoubleClick> on that record. As a result, following screen will be displayed -

Screen Layout of CCN Details

Field Description of CCN Details

CCN Details

CCN Year:

Denotes the Year of CCN.


While 'Adding', current financial year will be displayed by default. You can NOT change it.


In case of 'Edit', 'Delete' and 'View', current financial year will be displayed by default. It can be changed as per requirement.

CCN Group:

Specify the Group of the CCN. Please note that the Group which has been specified as default for the selected financial year through Document Control Master option in Administrator Toolswill be displayed automatically.


You can change it by clicking on the field to access a list of already defined CCN Groups for the entered Year though Document Control Master option in Administrator Tools Module. Select your desired Group from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the Group Code.

CCN Site:

Specify the Site of the CCN Entry. By default the Site if any specified with the selected Group will be displayed automatically.


Click on the field. A list of already defined Sites will be displayed. Select your desired Site from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the Site Code.


CollapsedRead more about Site...

Please note that the Site(s) will be displayed/accepted as per the following conditions -

  • In case the 'Site Required?' flag is 'On' through Document Control Master option in Administrator Tools Module, than only those Sites will be displayed which have been linked with the selected Year and ECN Group.
  • In case the 'Site Required' flag is 'Off', than all the Sites that have been defined for the current Company through Site Master option of Administrator Tools Module will be displayed.

CCN Number:

(Type : Alphanumeric, Length : 6)


While 'Adding', CCN Number is either generated automatically or entered manually by the user.


Generation of CCN Number is a flag driven option and depends upon the setting of flag 'Auto Number Generate Required' through Document Control Master option in Administrator Tools Module. CollapsedClick here to read more about the flag...


In case of 'Edit', 'Delete' and 'View', CCN Number of the selected record will be displayed.


Please note that all those CCN Numbers which have already been applied through CCN Apply option can neither be deleted nor edited.

CCN Date:

While 'Adding', enter the Date of CCN. Today's date is displayed by default. You can change it but it can not be later than Current Period End Date.


In case of 'Edit, 'View' and 'Delete', the selected CCN Number's date will be displayed automatically which can NOT be changed.

Next, while 'Adding', you can choose one of following option to be performed on the CCN. Whereas in case of 'Edit, 'View' and 'Delete', the action of the selected CCN Number will be displayed automatically. You can NOT change it in 'Edit' mode.


Click on button if you want to add a Child Item in the Customer Bill of Material of a Parent Item.


Click on button if you want to remove an existing Child Item from the Customer Bill of Material of a Parent Item.


Click on button if you want to replace a Child Item with another one in the Customer Bill of Material of a Parent Item. Additionally, through this option, you can also change the quantity of the same Child Item.


Click on button if you want to change the existing quantity of a Child Item in the Customer Bill of Material of a Parent Item.


Click on button if you want to change the existing Remark of a Child Item in the Customer Bill of Material of a Parent Item.


Parent Item:

Specify the Parent Item whose Customer Bill of Material has to be changed.


Click on the icon to access a list of already existing Items with Item Type as 'MK' and 'AS' for which Customer Bill of Material has already been generated and frozen. Select your desired Item from the list by scrolling down to it and click on 'Continue' button.


In case 'Add Item' option is selected, following checks will be performed on selecting the Parent Item -

  • Parent Code should exist in Customer BOM. This is because a Child Item has to be added under an existing Parent.
  • If a Consolidated Work Order is already prepared for the selected Parent Code, a validation message “Consolidated Work Order Exists for the entered parent code , so CCN is not possible” will appear.
  • A Child Item can not be added under a Parent Code, if that Parent Item's Work Order Receipt is already done.  A message "New Item Cannot be added under this parent because quantities are already received through Work Order against This Parent's Work Order" will be displayed.

In case 'Delete Item' option is selected, following checks will be performed on selecting the Parent Item -

  • If the selected Parent Code has only 1 child, IMMS will not allow to delete by giving message “Parent - Child Relation is single existence. So child cannot be Deleted Or Delete the Parent itself”
  • If a Consolidate Work Order exists for the selected Parent Code, a message “Consolidated Work Order Exists for the parent of the entered item, so CCN can not be entered” will appear and deletion will not be allowed.


Automatically displays the Internal Unit of Measurement of the selected Parent Item as entered in Item Master Basic Detail - Entry option.


Next a list of all SJOs created for the selected Parent Item will be displayed in a grid as follows -


While 'Adding', this grid will display all the SJOs belonging to the selected Parent Item. Additionally, it will also display all those SJOs where the selected Parent Item Code is used as the Child Item.


Whereas in case of 'Edit', 'Delete' and 'View' modes, this grid will display SJOs belonging to the selected CCN Number.


Click on the small white box to select or de-select a particular SJO. You can select multiple SJOs in the same fashion. Please note that Customer Bill of Material of the Parent Item will be changed for the selected SJOs only.


Please note that if the flag 'Need Primary and Secondary CCN Apply Authority Levels?' is set as 'On' through Material Policy of Administrator Tools Module, the user is allowed to tick only those SJOs that have the same 'CCN Allowed Date'. If SJOs with different 'CCN Allowed Date' are selected, the system will display a message and prevent the user from going ahead.


Also in case the production quantity of the Parent Item is already booked for the selected SJO through Labour Production Entry option of Production Module, and the flag 'Want to Ensure Raw Material Required in Proportion to the WO Item Production?' is set as 'On' through Shop Policy option of Administrator Tool Module, IMMS will NOT allow to make any Engineering changes in such an SJO.


But in case the flag 'Want to Ensure Raw Material Required in Proportion to the WO Item Production?' is set as 'Off' through Shop Policy option of Administrator Tool Module, IMMS will allow to make Engineering changes in such an SJO even if the production quantity of the Parent Item is already booked.


If only the Production Time of the Parent Item is booked , IMMS will allow to made Engineering changes irrespective of the flag setting.


Apart from selecting the SJOs, you can also enter data in following fields of the grid -

CCN Allowed Date

This field will be displayed ONLY if the flag 'Need Primary and Secondary CCN Apply Authority Levels?' is set as 'On' through Material Policy of Administrator Tools Module. Otherwise it will not be displayed.

Automatically displays the CCN Allowed Date of the selected Parent Item for its SJO Number. You can NOT change it here.


Change Required By

This field will be displayed only if the option 'Do you require Project Cost Control through CCN?' has been set as 'On' through Sales Policy option of Administrator Tools Module. Otherwise this field will not be displayed at all.


Click on the field. Now select the source of changes -

1) Customer - if the changes are required by a Customer


2) Internal - if the changes are required due to internal factors. In this case it is mandatory to enter the reason and remarks for changes through the 'Reason' and 'Remarks' field respectively in the same grid.

Sales Order Number

This field will be displayed only if the option 'Do you require Project Cost Control through CCN?' has been set as 'On' through Sales Policy option of Administrator Tools Module. Otherwise this field will not be displayed at all.


Also this field will be enabled only in case the changes are required by a Customer. Otherwise this field will remain disabled.


Please note that this grid will be displaying only those SJOs whose Parent Items have 'CBOM Change' flag set as 'On' through Sales Order Receipt Amendment Entry option of Sales Module. If the flag is set as 'Off', such SJOs will not be displayed.


Click on the field to access a list of all authorized Sales Order Amendments made in the Sales Order created against the currently selected SJO Number.


Select your desired Sales Order Amendment Serial Number from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. All the other relevant data will be displayed automatically in the grid as follows -

Customer PO Number

Automatically displays the Customer PO Number of the selected Sales Order for your reference.


Sales Item Code

Automatically displays the Sales Item Code of the selected Sales Order for your reference.


Sales Amendment Number

Automatically displays the selected Sales Amendment Number for your reference.


Sales Amendment Serial Number

Automatically displays the selected Serial Number of the Sales Amendment Number for your reference.


Chargeable/Non Chargeable

Automatically displays whether the selected Sales Item is Chargeable or Non Chargeable.

Once you have selected the desired SJOs, click on the SJO Selection Done button to continue with rest of the changes.

If the Labour Job Gate Pass already exists for the Parent Item, IMMS will confirm whether the user still wants to add or delete an Item under that Parent Item. Click on 'Yes' button to continue adding/deleting the Child Item or else click on 'No' button.


Following grid will be displayed only in Add mode. This grid will be populated with new Child Items that are being added to the structure of the selected Parent Item in the selected SJOs.


Click on icon to remove a particular Child Item.


Child Position:

Denotes the Position of the Child Item in the hierarchy.



Click on the field to access a list of existing Position Numbers belonging to the selected Parent Code. This help is for your reference purpose so that the last existing position number can be known.



In case 'Delete Item', 'Replace Item', 'Change Quantity' or 'Change Remark' option is selected, enter the existing Position Number of the Child Item.


Please note that a Feature type of Child Item can not be deleted.


Please note that -


While 'Deleting and Replacing' the selected Child Item,

  • if it has already been Issued and its respective Issue Document has been authorized, IMMS will inform the user that the Item needs to be Returned while applying the CCN.
  • if its Return Note has already been generated but un-authorized, IMMS will inform the user that the Item needs to be Returned while applying the CCN.
  • if the Rejection Note has already been generated but un-authorized, IMMS will inform the user that the Item needs to be Returned while applying the CCN.

While 'Changing the Quantity' of the selected Child Item, if it has already been Issued and its respective Issue Document has been authorized, than if the new quantity is more than the old quantity, the excess quantity needs to be returned.


Is Feature

Turn this flag 'On' by clicking on it if you want to add a Feature Item or replace a Child Item with a Feature Item. As a result following screen will be displayed to specify the Feature Item -

A list of already existing Feature Items defined though Item Master Basic Detail - Entry option (Item Type = 'FT') will be displayed. Select your desired Item from the list by clicking on it. Now click on the 'Continue' button to continue or 'Close' button to discard.

Child Item Code:

In case 'Add Item' option is selected, specify the Child Item that has to be added to the Customer Bill of Material of the selected Parent Item.


Click on the icon to access a list of existing Items defined though Item Master Basic Detail - Entry option. Select your desired Item from the list by clicking on it. All Items Types will be considered here.


You can not select an Item that has been deactivated through Activate/De-Activate Master option in Administrator Tools Module. The help list will also not display such items.


Please note that -

  • If the Feature Item option has been selected, the help list will display Option Items belonging to the selected Feature Item defined through Feature Master - Entry option.
  • Imagine the following scenario :

    Item A  


    Item B


    Item C


    If Item B is added under Item A, and an Item C is added under Item B, than while adding Item B as a Child under Item C, a message “Item Can Not Be Selected As Child Because Parent Code Exist As A Child In The Structure Of Child Item.” will appear.

  • Child Code being added should not be of 'Scrap' type. Otherwise a message “Item Code: is SCRAP , Item can not applied...” will appear.

In case 'Delete Item', 'Replace Item', 'Change Quantity' or 'Change Remark' option is selected, Child Item is displayed automatically as per the selected Position Number.


Child Item Name:

Automatically displays the name of the selected Child Item as entered in Item Master Basic Detail - Entry option.


New Child Item Code:

This section will appear only in case 'Replace Item' option is selected. You can specify the Child Item that will replace the original Child Item in CBOM.


Click on the icon to access a list of existing Items defined though Item Master Basic Detail - Entry option. Select your desired Item from the list by clicking on it. All Items Types will be considered here.


You can not select an Item that has been deactivated through Activate/De-Activate Master option in Administrator Tools Module. The help will also not display such items.

Please note that -

  • If the Feature Item option has been selected, the help list will display Option Items belonging to the selected Feature Item defined through Feature Master - Entry option.
  • Imagine the following scenario :

    Item A  


    Item B


    Item C


    If Item B is added under Item A, and an Item C is added under Item B, than while adding Item B as a Child under Item C, a message “Item Can Not Be Selected As Child Because Parent Code Exist As A Child In The Structure Of Child Item.” will appear.

  • Child Code being added should not be of 'Scrap' type. Otherwise a message “Item Code: is SCRAP , Item can not applied...” will appear.

New Child Item Name:

This section will appear only in case 'Replace Item' option is selected.

Automatically displays the name of the selected Child Item as entered in Item Master Basic Detail - Entry option.



Automatically displays the Internal Unit of Measurement of the selected Child Item as entered in Item Master Basic Detail - Entry option.


This section will appear only in case 'Replace Item' option is selected.

Automatically displays the Internal Unit of Measurement of the selected New Child Item as entered in Item Master Basic Detail - Entry option.

Old Remark:

This section will appear only in case of 'Change Remark' option is selected.


Automatically displays the existing Remarks for the selected Child Item for your information. It can not be changed.


New Remark:

This section will appear only in case of 'Change Remark' option is selected.

Enter the new Remark for the selected Child Item.


Child Qty:

(Type : Numeric, Length : 9.4)


In case 'Add Item' option is selected, enter the quantity of the new Child Item required to make the Parent Item.



New Child Qty:

This section will appear only in case 'Replace Item' option or 'Change Quantity' option is selected.

(Type : Numeric, Length : 9.4)


Enter the quantity of Child Item required to make the Parent Item.

Once you have entered all the information, click on 'Save' button to save or 'Cancel' icon to discard. The control will go back to the list.


Please note that the changes made in a Customer Bill of Material through CCN Entry option will come into effect only when they are applied through CCN Apply option.