You are here : Materials > Product Structure Maintenance > CCN Apply CCN Apply
Apart from these, following conditions will also be checked for authorized or unauthorized Documents before the CCN is applied -
Sr. No. |
Document Created |
Authorization Status |
Add Child |
Delete Child |
Replace Child |
Change Quantity |
1 | Work Order | Pending | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
2 | Issue Slip | Pending | Yes | No | No | No |
3 | Issue Slip | Authorized | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
4 | Return Note | Pending | Yes | No | No | No |
5 | Rejection Note | Pending | Yes | No | No | No |
6 | Labour Job Gate Pass | Authorized, Non-cancelled, Un-deleted and Child is with Third Party Vendor | Yes | No | No | No |
7 | Labour Job Gate Pass | Pending | Yes | No | No | No |
8 | Goods Receipt Note (SubContracting) | Authorized | Yes | NA | NA | No |
Click on 'Apply' button if you want to Apply the changes made through CCN Entry option. As a result whatever changes that were done through the CCN Number will be incorporated in its Customer Bill of Material.
Click on 'Cancel' button if you want to cancel the effects of selected CCN Number. Whatever changes that were done through the CCN Number will be rolled back.
In case 'Cancel' option is chosen, a list of all Customer Changes Notes that have already been applied will be displayed in a grid as follows -
But please note that this grid will also display all those CCNs that have not been Applied yet but their respective SJO have been Closed.
Select the desired CCN Numbers by clicking on the small white box. You can select multiple CCNs in the same way. Alternatively, you can click on the box in the column header to select or de-select all CCNs in one go. Only the selected CCNs will be cancelled.
In case Apply option is chosen -
If the flag 'Need Primary and Secondary CCN Apply Authority Levels?'
is set as 'Off' through Engineering Policy of Administrator Tools Module, a list of all Customer Changes Notes that are pending to be applied is displayed as follows -
If the flag 'Need Primary and Secondary CCN Apply Authority Levels?'
is set as 'On' through Engineering Policy of Administrator Tools Module, a list of all Customer Changes Notes that are pending to be applied will be displayed in a grid as per the following conditions -
- In case the logged in User is neither a Primary Authorizer nor a Secondary Authorizer, the grid will display all the CCNs pending to be Applied (with Open SJO) as follows -
CCN Allowed Date
Automatically displays the CCN Allowed Date of the CCN Number.
Please note that all those CCNs that have CCN Allowed Date later than the Current Date, will be highlighted in Green color. Such CCNs can be Applied by the logged in User.
Whereas those CCNs that have CCN Allowed Date before the Current Date will be highlighted in Red color. Such CCNs can no more be Applied by the logged in User other than a Primary Authorizer.
Primary Authorized
Automatically displays the User Code of the Primary Authorizer who has Applied the CCN.
- In case the logged in User is a Primary Authorizer, the grid will display all the CCNs pending to be Applied (with Open SJO) as follows -
In this case, the grid will display only those CCNs that have CCN Allowed Date before or equal to the Current Date.
CCN Allowed Date
Automatically displays the CCN Allowed Date of the CCN Number.
Those CCNs that have CCN Allowed Date before the Current Date will be highlighted in Red colour. Such CCNs can be Applied ONLY by a Primary Authorizer.
Primary Authorized
Automatically displays the User Code of the Primary Authorizer who has Applied the CCN.
- In case the logged in User is a Secondary Authorizer, the grid will display all the CCNs pending to be Applied (with Open SJO) as follows -
CCN Allowed Date
Automatically displays the CCN Allowed Date of the CCN Number.
Please note that all those CCNs that have CCN Allowed Date later than the Current Date, will be highlighted in Green color. Such CCNs can be Applied by the Secondary Authorizer.
Whereas those CCNs that have CCN Allowed Date before the Current Date will be highlighted in Red colour irrespective of whether they have been Applied by Primary Authorizer or not. Such CCNs should be first Applied by a Primary Authorizer. Only after the Primary Authorizer has Applied them, the Secondary Authorizer can do so. If a Primary Authorizer has not Applied and Secondary Authorizer tries to do so, the system will display a message and will not allow the Secondary Authorizer to continue.
Primary Authorized
Automatically displays the User Code of the Primary Authorizer who has Applied the CCN.
This option will be displayed only in case of Apply option is chosen.
Click on the switch to turn it on if you want to Return the already issued material in case it is being replaced, or its quantity is being changed or is being deleted. As a result the system will display following options to automatically generate Return Note for such Items.
Internal Return Detail
Provide the Internal Return Note details as follows -
Return Year:
Automatically displays the current financial year for the Return Number. It can not be changed.
Return Group:
Specify the Group of the Internal Return Note. Please note that the Group which has been specified as default for the selected financial year through Document Control Master
option in Administrator Toolswill be displayed automatically.
You can change it by clicking on the field to access a list of already defined Internal Return Groups for the entered Year though Document Control Master option in Administrator Tools Module. Select your desired Group from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the Group Code.
Return Site:
Specify the Site of the Internal Return Note. By default the Site if any specified with the selected Group
will be displayed automatically.
Click on the field to access a list of already defined Sites. Select your desired Site from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the Site Code.
Return No:
(Type : Alphanumeric, Type : 6)
Internal Return Note Number is either generated automatically or entered manually by the user.
Generation of Internal return Note Number is a flag driven option and depends upon the setting of flag 'Auto Number Generate Required'through Document Control Master option in Administrator Tools Module.
Click here to read more about the flag...
Return Date:
Specifies the date of Internal Return Note.
By default today's date is displayed which can be changed. It should fall between the current period start date and current period end date. Press <TAB>.
In case the flag is switched 'Off', the system will NOT generate any Return Note and hence such CCN will NOT be applied. Following message will be displayed - "Item to be Replaced is issued and hence cannot be replaced/Deleted".
Once you have entered all the information, click on 'Save' button to Apply / Cancel the selected CCNs. If applied, a list of selected CCNs along with their status will be displayed.
Click on 'Cancel' button to discard.