You are here : Materials > Material Masters > Shop Master - Entry Shop Master - Entry
While under production, a product is manufactured in various shops. Through Shop Master you can add and maintain various Shops in your production department. Shops can work in either minimum one shift or many shifts as per the requirement of a company. Moreover, Shop can be made up of either single machine or many machines. Shop can also consist of machines with labour or only labour and no machines. In IMMS, Shop Master consists of logically divided Work Centers.
By default, a list of all Shops that have already been defined will be displayed as follows -
Enter any text you want to search in the list below. The search is applicable to all columns of the list. Once the text is entered, press <ENTER> key. As a result, the list will be refreshed with all those records that contain the entered text fully or partially. In order to go back to the original list, remove the text from the box and press <ENTER> key again.
To 'Add' Shops, click on the button and to 'Edit', click on the
icon on its corresponding record. To view details of a particular Shop, <DoubleClick> on that record. As a result, following screen will be displayed -
Once a Shop has been defined, it can NOT be deleted.
Denotes the Site of the Shop.
While 'Adding' a new Shop, press <ENTER> or click on the field to access a list of already defined Sites for the current Company through Site Master option of Administrator Tools. Select your desired Site from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the Site Code.
In case of 'Edit' and 'View', Site of the selected record will be displayed. It can NOT be changed.
(Type : Alphanumeric, Length : 5)
While 'Adding' a new Shop, enter a unique Code for it. This is the Code by which the Shop will be referred throughout IMMS.
Please note that the system does not allow to have same Codes for a Shop and a Work Center. Therefore, it will check whether the same Code has been used to define a Work Center as well or not. If the same Code is being entered, than the system will display an appropriate message. |
In case of 'Edit' and 'View', Shop Code of the selected record will be displayed. It can NOT be changed.
(Type : Alphanumeric, Length : 39)
While 'Adding', a new Shop, enter the description for the Shop Code.
In case of 'Edit' and 'View', description of the selected Shop Code will be displayed automatically. You can change it in 'Edit' mode.
Once you have entered all the information, click on 'Save' button to save or 'Cancel' button to discard. The control will go back to the list.