You are here : Materials > Material Masters > Process Sheet Master - Entry
Process Sheet Master records various in-house as well as sub-contracted processes required during manufacturing of an item. This helps to schedule and keep track of shop floor activities.
In IMMS, Items which can be manufactured within the company are considered as having 'Inside Operations' and those which are made at Vendor's place are considered as having 'Outside Operations'.
For 'Inside Operations', Process Sheet records information regarding specific work centres engaged in production along with their Operations, Standard Setting Time and Standard Operation Time. Time schedules are maintained for all inside operations which in turn generates WIP (Work In Process) reports.
For 'Outside Operations', Process Sheet records the Operations and labour costs for those operations.
Apart from this Quality Checks are also taken care if required for a specific operation.
The screen is divided into two tabs to store various information related to the Process Sheet. Please click on the respective tab to read more information about it.
Continuing with the example of our Mountain Bicycle, the saddles of the bicycle are available in two colours, black and blue. This requires dyeing of the leather which is not done by your company. So, the uncoloured saddles must be out sourced to the third party to perform the dyeing process on them. Once dyed saddles are received, they are assembled within the company itself. The screen shot below, shows the Process Sheet details for the "Uncoloured Saddle" having only an 'Outside' operation.
By default, a list of all Items for which Process Sheets have already been defined will be displayed as follows -
Enter any text you want to search in the list below. The search is applicable to all columns of the list. Once the text is entered, press <ENTER> key. As a result, the list will be refreshed with all those records that contain the entered text fully or partially. In order to go back to the original list, remove the text from the box and press <ENTER> key again.
To 'Add' a new Process Sheet, click on the button and to 'Edit', or 'Copy' Process Sheet of a particular Item, click on the or icon respectively on its corresponding record. To view Process Sheet of a particular Item, <DoubleClick> on the record of that Item. As a result, following screen will be displayed -
Now you can continue to make the Process Sheet for the rest of the parts of the bicycle. As they are assembled within the company, there will be only an Inside Operation and no Outside Operation is required. Please refer the following table to make the entries.
Once a Process Sheet is created for a manufactured/Assembly/Sub Contracting Item, it can not be deleted.
Denotes the Item for the Process Sheet.
While 'Adding' a new Process Sheet, specify the Item for which Process Sheet has to be made. Click on the icon to access a list of already existing Items with Item Type as 'MK', 'AS' and 'SC' defined though Item Master Basic Detail - Entry option. Select your desired Item from the list by scrolling down to it and click on 'Continue' button.
You can not select an Item that has been deactivated through Activate/De-Activate Master option in Administrator Tools Module. The help will also not display such items.
Please note that :
In case of 'Edit' and 'View', Item of the selected record will be displayed.
In case of 'Copy', Item of the selected record will be displayed but you can change it. To do so, click on the icon to access a list of already existing Items with Item Type as 'MK', 'AS' and 'SC' defined though Item Master Basic Detail - Entry option. Select your desired Item from the list by scrolling down to it and click on 'Continue' button.
Please note that this section will be displayed only in case of 'Copy' mode.
IMMS helps to easily create new Process Sheets from already existing ones by duplicating them. Moreover, you can copy Process Sheet of the selected Item to multiple Items.
Click on button to add the Item to which the existing Process Sheet has to be copied for. As a result, a new record will be added at the end of the list.
Field Description of the grid -
Action Click on the icon to remove an Item from the list. Click on the delete icon again to un-delete the Item.
Click on the icon to remove an Item from the list. Click on the delete icon again to un-delete the Item.
Parent Denotes the Parent Item to which the Process Sheet of the selected Item has to be copied. Click on the icon to access a list of already existing Items with Item Type as 'MK', 'AS' and 'SC' defined though Item Master Basic Detail - Entry option. Select your desired Item from the list by scrolling down to it and click on 'Continue' button. You can not select an Item that has been deactivated through Activate/De-Activate Master option in Administrator Tools Module. The help will also not display such items. Please note that : Selected Item should be of 'MK' (Make Item) or 'AS' (Assembly Item) type or 'SC' (SubContracting). The help list will also display such Items only. Only those 'MK', 'AS' and 'SC' type of Items can be selected for which Process Sheet does not exist. The help list will also load such Items only. Only those 'MK', 'AS' and 'SC' type of Items will be considered for which 'Create WO' flag is set as 'On' through Item Master Basic Detail - Entry option.
Denotes the Parent Item to which the Process Sheet of the selected Item has to be copied.
Click on the icon to access a list of already existing Items with Item Type as 'MK', 'AS' and 'SC' defined though Item Master Basic Detail - Entry option. Select your desired Item from the list by scrolling down to it and click on 'Continue' button.
Once the 'Save' button is pressed, the Process Sheet will be copied to all the Parent Items in the list.
Description, if any entered for the selected Item through Item Master Basic Detail - Entry is displayed automatically. You can not make any changes here.
(Type : Alphanumeric, Length : 100)
While 'Adding' a new Process Sheet, click on the field and enter Remarks, if any related to the Process Sheet.
In case of 'Edit' and 'View' modes, Remarks of the selected record will be displayed. You can change it in 'Edit' mode.
While 'Adding', select either 'Single' or 'Batch' by clicking on the desired option. Select 'Single' if the Setup Time is applicable for processing a single quantity of the Item. Select 'Batch' if the Setup Time is applicable for processing a batch of the Item.
In case of 'Edit', 'View', the value of field will be displayed automatically as per the selected Item Code. You can change it in 'Edit' mode.
A grid will be displayed as follows -
While 'Adding' a new Process Sheet, the grid will be displayed blank. You can enter the details.
In case of 'Edit', 'Copy' and 'View' modes, the grid will be populated with details of existing Process Sheet for the selected Item. You can not make any changes in 'View' and 'Copy' modes.
Click on button to add an Operation in the list. As a result, a new record will be added at the end of the list.
Action Click on the icon to remove an Operation from the list. Please note that at least one Operation should be there to save the Process Sheet. Click on the delete icon again to un-delete the Operation.
Click on the icon to remove an Operation from the list. Please note that at least one Operation should be there to save the Process Sheet. Click on the delete icon again to un-delete the Operation.
I / O
Specify whether the operation to be carried out on the Item is an Inside Operation (In IMMS, Items which can be manufactured within the company are considered as having 'Inside Operations'.) or Outside Operation (In IMMS, Items which can be manufactured at Vendor's place are considered as having 'Outside Operations'.) .
Click on the field. Select 'Inside' or 'Outside' from the popup displayed. By default 'Inside' is chosen and displayed.
Opr No
(Type : Numeric, Length : 3)
Specify the sequence of the Operations to be performed by using this field. By default the next number incremented by 1 is automatically displayed. You can change this number but it should be unique. Two Operations can not be performed at a time.
Detail Description
(Type : Alphanumeric, Length : 255)
Click on the field. Enter Detail Description related to the Operation.
Work Center
Specify the Work Center engaged to manufacture the selected Item. Work Center can be chosen only if the Item is manufactured within the company or in other words it is an Inside Operation. Click on the field to access a list of existing Work Centers defined though Work Center Master - Entry option. Select your desired Work Center from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>.
In case of Outside Operation, this field will remain empty.
Specify the Operation needed to be performed to manufacture the selected Item.Click on the field to access a list of existing Operations defined though Codes Master Entry (Code Type = 'OP') option of Administrator Tools Module. Select your desired Operation from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>.
Std Setting Time
Before the production starts in a manufacturing company, certain amount of time is generally utilized in setting up a machine. This Setting Time can be standardized and entered by the user in this field.
Std Opr Time
During manufacturing of an Item, certain amount of time is required to perform an Operation on it.This Operation Time can be standardized and entered by the user in this field.
O/S Lbr Amount Std
(Type : Numeric, Length : 7)
Enter the Standard Labour Amount if the Item is processed outside the company. This field is used for costing purpose and is mandatory to enter.
Outside Labour Amount can be entered only if the Item is manufactured outside the company or in other words it is an Outside Operation.
In case of Inside Operation, this field will remain empty.
O/S Lbr Amount Cur
Enter the Current Labour Amount if the Item is processed outside the company. This field is used for costing purpose and is mandatory to enter.
QC Req (Y/N)
Specify whether the selected Operation needs a Quality Control approval or not.
Click on the field. Select 'Yes' or 'No' from the given popup.
% of Excess Time:
(Type : Numeric, Length : 2)
Denotes the percentage of excess standard production time that is allowed while entering actual production time for each Operation through Labour Production Entry option of Production Module.
Click on the field. Now enter the percentage of excess time permissible.
This grid displays a list of Tools required for all Operations whether Inside or Outside along with their Operation numbers which were entered through 'Operation Details' section. Following grid will appear where you can enter any specific tool required for the Operation -
In case of 'Edit', 'Copy' and 'View' modes, the grid will be populated with details of existing Process Sheet for the selected Item. You can NOT make any changes in 'View' and 'Copy' modes.
Click on button to add a Tool in the list. As a result, a new record will be added at the end of the list.
Action Click on the icon to remove a Tool from the list. Click on the 'Delete' icon again to un-delete the Tool. Operation No Displays the Number of Operation for your reference. You can NOT change it here. I/O Displays whether the Operation is 'Inside' or 'Outside' for your reference. You can NOT change it here.
Click on the icon to remove a Tool from the list. Click on the 'Delete' icon again to un-delete the Tool.
Operation No
Displays the Number of Operation for your reference. You can NOT change it here.
Displays whether the Operation is 'Inside' or 'Outside' for your reference. You can NOT change it here.
Tool Type
Specify the type of Tool used. Click on the field. Select the desired type of Tool from the given popup. Three types of Tools can be specified here -
Tool code
Specify the Tool used for the Operation. Click on the field to access a list of existing Items with Item Type as 'BY' defined though Item Master Basic Detail - Entry option. Select your desired Item from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. The system allows to enter same Tool but with different Operation.
Only those 'Bought Out' Items will be displayed / accepted that have 'Nature of Item' as 'Tools'.
Tool Description
Description of the Tools is displayed automatically.
Tool Unit Production Capacity
Click on the field. Now enter the production capacity of the selected Tool.
This grid displays all the Operations whether Inside or Outside along with their Operation numbers and Operation Codes which were entered through 'Operation Details' section. You can specify any particular instructions or description related to each Operation for the Process Sheet.
I/O Displays whether the Operation is 'Inside' or 'Outside' for your reference. You can NOT change it here. Operation No Displays the Number of Operation for your reference. You can NOT change it here. Detail Description Click on the field. Now enter the description related to the current Operation. Operation Displays the Operation Name for your reference. You can NOT change it here.
I/O Displays whether the Operation is 'Inside' or 'Outside' for your reference. You can NOT change it here.
Operation No Displays the Number of Operation for your reference. You can NOT change it here. Detail Description Click on the field. Now enter the description related to the current Operation. Operation Displays the Operation Name for your reference. You can NOT change it here.
Click on the field. Now enter the description related to the current Operation.
Displays the Operation Name for your reference. You can NOT change it here.
Once you have entered all the information, click on 'Save' button to save or 'Cancel' button to discard. The control will go back to the list.