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You are here : Materials > Material Masters > Item Master Basic Details -

Item Master Basic Details - Entry


This is the master which maintains all your Items. In other words, Item Master is a detailed collection of items right from the finished state to the smallest of raw material required during the manufacturing process. It allows to group and sub group Items as per the client’s typical functioning. Apart from this, it also specifies whether Work Order is needed for an item or not, Quality Control is required or not and its inward and heat numbers details. Item Master specially takes care of Dimension Items Collapsed by maintaining their Density and individual dimensions.



By default, a list of all Items that have been defined till now will be displayed as follows -



Enter any text you want to search in the list below. The search is applicable to all columns of the list. Once the text is entered, press <ENTER> key. As a result, the list will be refreshed with all those records that contain the entered text fully or partially. In order to go back to the original list, remove the text from the box and press <ENTER> key again.


Items can be added, edited, deleted and viewed in this master provided the Role associated with the currently logged-in user through User Management has the respective rights to do so. These actions are explained as under -


To 'Add' a new Item, click on the button and to 'Edit', or 'Copy' a particular Item, click on the or icon respectively on its corresponding record. To 'Delete' an Item, click on the icon of its record. To view a particular Item, <DoubleClick> on that record. As a result, following screen will be displayed -



Screen Layout of Item Definition


Field Description of Item Definition

Item Code:

(Type : Alphanumeric, Length : User defined)


Item Code generation is a flag driven option. It depends upon the setting of flag 'Company has Customize Item Description Facility?' through Materials Policy option of Administrative Tools module.


If the flag is 'Off', the user will be able to enter the Item Code of an Item.

While 'Adding' a new item, enter the unique code of the item by which this new item will be referred by IMMS. Press <TAB>. The system checks that the entered Item Code does not already exist. Apart from the uniqueness, the system also checks that the same Item Code has not been used while defining a Service Item through Item Master - Service option of Purchase Module.

Please note that the length of Item Code depends upon the setting of the flag 'Item Code Maximum Length' through Materials Policy option of Administrative Tools module. The length of the new Item Code can not be more than the length mentioned in this flag.


In case of 'Edit''View', and 'Copy', Item Code of the selected record will be displayed. It can NOT be changed.

Please note that -

  • An Item can NOT be deleted if -
    1. some quantity of it is still lying in the stock
    2. it exists as a parent or child in Product Structure Master

If the flag is 'On', Item Code will remain disabled and the user will NOT be allowed to enter it.

While 'Adding' a new Item, Item Code will be generated automatically by the system as follows -

Item Code = Item Class Code + Item Sub Class Code + a sequence number.

In case of 'Edit''View', and 'Copy', Item Code of the selected record will be displayed. It can NOT be changed.


Please note that -

  • An Item can NOT be deleted if -
    1. some quantity of it is still lying in the stock
    2. it exists as a parent or child in Product Structure Master

Item Description:

(Type : Alphanumeric, Length : 120)


Item Description generation is a flag driven option. It depends upon the setting of flag 'Company has Customize Item Description Facility?' through Materials Policy option of Administrative Tools module.


If the flag is 'Off', the user will be able to enter the Description of an Item

While 'Adding' a new item, enter detail description for this Item Code. This name will be displayed along with the Item Code throughout IMMS.

In case of 'Edit''View', and 'Copy', Description of the selected Item Code will be displayed automatically. You can change it in 'Edit' mode.

If the flag is 'On', Description will remain disabled and the user will NOT be allowed to enter it

While 'Adding' a new Item, Item Description will be generated automatically by the system as follows -

Description = Item Class Description + Item Sub Class Description + a sequence number.

In case of 'Edit''View' and 'Copy', Description of the selected Item Code will be displayed automatically. You can NOT change it in 'Edit' mode.

New Item Code:

Please note that this field will be displayed only in case of 'Copy' mode.

(Type : Alphanumeric, Length : User defined)


This is the unique Code for the new Item to be created. This is the Code by which this Item will be referred throughout IMMS.


Item Code generation is a flag driven option. It depends upon the setting of flag 'Company has Customize Item Description Facility?' through Materials Policy option of Administrative Tools module.


If the flag is 'Off', the user will be able to enter the Item Code of an Item.

Enter the unique code of the item by which this new item will be referred by IMMS. Press <TAB>. The system checks that the entered Item Code does not already exist.

Please note that the length of Item Code depends upon the setting of the flag 'Item Maximum Length' through Materials Policy option of Administrative Tools module. The length of the new Item Code can not be more than the length mentioned in this flag.

If the flag is 'On', Item Code will remain disabled and the user will NOT be allowed to enter it.

In this case, Item Code will be generated automatically by the system as follows -

Item Code = Item Class Code + Item Sub Class Code + a sequence number.


Please note that this field will be displayed only in case of 'Copy' mode.

(Type : Alphanumeric, Length : 120)


Item Description generation is a flag driven option. It depends upon the setting of flag 'Want to copy old Item Description in New Item Description in function <Copy Item Master>' through Materials Policy option of Administrative Tools module.


If the flag is 'On', Description of the selected Item Code will be displayed by default. You can change it for the new Item Code. This name will be displayed along with the Item Code throughout IMMS.


If the flag is set as 'Off', the user will be able to enter the Description for the new Item


Item Detail Description:

(Type : Alphanumeric, Length : 5000)


Denotes detailed description about the Item.


While 'Adding' a new Item, enter detail description, if any, about the Item in the provided space.


In case of 'Edit''View' and 'Copy', the Item Detail Description will be displayed automatically for the selected Item. You can change it in 'Edit' mode.



Item Additional Description:

(Type : Alphanumeric, Length : 100)


Denotes any extra description about the Item.


While 'Adding' a new Item, enter extra description, if any, about the Item in the provided space.


In case of 'Edit''View' and 'Copy', the Item Additional Description will be displayed automatically for the selected Item. You can change it in 'Edit' mode.


Item Class:

Specify the Item ClassCollapsed to which the selected Item belongs to.


While 'Adding' a new Item, click on the box. A list of all Item Classes defined through Class/Sub-Class Master option in Administrator Tools Module will be displayed. Scroll through the list and select the desired Item Class by clicking on it or pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively, you can also enter the Item Class.


In case of 'Edit''View' and 'Copy', Item Class of the selected Item Code will be displayed automatically. You can change it in 'Edit' mode.



Item Sub Class:

Further IMMS allows to specify the Sub ClassCollapsed of the Item Class to which the selected Item belongs to.


While 'Adding', click on the box. A list of Item Sub Classes defined for the selected Item Class though Class/Sub-Class Master option in Administrator Tools Module will be displayed. Scroll through the list and select the desired Item Sub Class by clicking on it or pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively, you can also enter the Item Sub Class.


In case of 'Edit''View' and 'Copy', Item Sub Class of the selected Item Code will be displayed automatically. You can change it in 'Edit' mode.


Please note that if the flag 'Should Item Sub Class be mandatory while creating Items?' through Materials Policy option of Administrative Tools module is set as 'On', it becomes mandatory to specify the Sub Class of the Item. In case the flag is set as 'Off', users can keep the field blank.



Material of Construction:

Specify the Material of ConstructionCollapsedof the selected Item if any.


While 'Adding' a new Item, click on the box. A list of already existing Material defined though Codes Master Entry (Code Type = 'MR') option in Administrator Tools Module will be displayed. Scroll through the list and select the desired Material by clicking on it or pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively, you can also enter the Material of Construction.


In case of 'Edit''View' and 'Copy', Material of Construction of the selected Item Code will be displayed automatically. You can change it in 'Edit' mode.


Nature of Item:

Grouping of Items as per their nature provides various MIS related reports.


Nature of Item specified for the selected Item Class through Class/Sub-Class Master option in Administrator Tools Module is displayed automatically. You can NOT change it.


Item Type:

Specify the TypeCollapsed of the selected Item.


While 'Adding', click on the box and select one of the options by selecting it from the list provided.


In case of 'Edit''View' and 'Copy', Type of the selected Item Code will be displayed automatically. You can change it in 'Edit' mode.


Following types of Items are provided by IMMS -



Full Name



Bought Out

These are bought out items. For example: raw material used for production department. 'BY' Item Type can not have a child structure.


Ready Sub-assembly


Ready Sub-assembly is similar to 'BY' (Buy Item) type of item. Basic difference is as follows -



BY Items

RS Items


Buy Items are readily available in the market such as Motor, Bolt, Nut (Standard items).

Some times a company may procure items which are not readily available as per the drawing.


Cannot have a product structure

Can have a product structure.













In IMMS, there is no any difference between 'AS' (Assembly Item) or 'MK' (Make Item) types of Items. Both 'AS' and 'MK' Item Type have similar behaviour throughout IMMS. IMMS provides the facility to distinguish manufactured Items that are made through assembling of various components.

MK Manufacturing In IMMS there is no any difference between 'AS' (Assembly Item) or 'MK' (Make Item) types of Items. Both 'AS' and 'MK' Item Type have similar behaviour throughout IMMS. IMMS provides the facility to distinguish manufactured Items that are made through assembling of various components
FT Feature

These are items that functionally have similar characteristics but have different features that make them look different. For example : Mouse of a computer can be considered as an item but it can be classified into two feature type items such as

3 button mouse and 2 button mouse. The product which is a computer in this case, can be delivered to the customer either with 3 or 2 button mouse as per the requirement.

SC SubContracting These are the Items which are out sourced to the third party to perform various processes on them required by the manufacturing company. SubContracting can be done for both 'made to stock' and 'made to order' Items.


Unit Of Measurement:

Specify the Internal Unit of Measurement for the selected Item. This is the Unit of Measurement by which the Item is used within your company.


While 'Adding',

if the flag 'Do you require Dimensions for Material Items?' is set as 'On' and flag 'Do you require Dimension Wise Stock Keeping' is set as 'On' for the selected Sub-Class, through Class / Sub-Class Master option of Administrator Tools Module, the Unit of Measurement will be set to 'NOS' automatically. It can NOT be changed.

If the 'Do you require Dimensions for Material Items?' is set as 'On' and flag 'Do you require Dimension Wise Stock Keeping' is set to 'Off' for the selected Sub-Class, through Class / Sub-Class Master option of Administrator Tools Module, you can select the Unit of Measurement for the Item. To do so, click on the box. A list of already existing Unit of Measurements defined though Codes Master Entry (Code Type = 'UM') option in Administrator Tools Module will be displayed. Scroll through the list and select the desired UOM by clicking on it or pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the UOM Code.


If the flag 'Do you require Dimensions for Material Items?' is set as 'Off', you can select the Unit of Measurement for the Item. To do co, click on the box. A list of already existing Unit of Measurements defined though Codes Master Entry (Code Type = 'UM') option in Administrator Tools Module will be displayed. Scroll through the list and select the desired UOM by clicking on it or pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the UOM Code.

While 'Adding', click on the box. A list of already existing Unit of Measurements defined though Codes Master Entry (Code Type = 'UM') option in Administrator Tools Module will be displayed. Scroll through the list and select the desired UOM by clicking on it or pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the UOM Code.


In case of 'Edit''View' and 'Copy', Unit of Measurement of the selected Item Code will be displayed automatically. You can change them in 'Edit' mode as per the above conditions.



Specify the Make of the selected Item if any.


While 'Adding' a new Item, click on the box. A list of already existing Make names defined though Codes Master Entry (Code Type = 'MK') option in Administrator Tools Module will be displayed. Scroll through the list and select the desired Item Make by clicking on it or pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively, you can also enter the Item Make.


In case of 'Edit''View' and 'Copy', Item Make of the selected Item Code will be displayed automatically. You can change it in 'Edit' mode.


Reference Code:

(Type : Alphanumeric, Length : 25)


Enter any reference name that you want to associate with the entered Item.


Dimension wise Stock Keeping required?

This field is for your information purpose. The value of this flag will be displayed automatically as specified for the selected Sub-Class through Class/Sub-Class Master option of Administrator Tools Module. It will remain disabled.


Dimensions will be required to derive:

Denotes what the Dimensions will used to derive.


While 'Adding',

if the flag 'Do you require Dimensions for Material Items?' is set as 'On' and flag 'Do you require Dimension Wise Stock Keeping' is set to 'On' for the selected Sub-Class, through Class / Sub-Class Master option of Administrator Tools Module, this flag will be set to 'W-Weight' automatically. It can not be changed.

If the 'Do you require Dimensions for Material Items?' is set as 'On' and flag 'Do you require Dimension Wise Stock Keeping' is set to 'Off' for the selected Sub-Class, through Class / Sub-Class Master option of Administrator Tools Module, you can select either 'W-Weight' or 'L-Length' from the given popup.


If the flag 'Do you require Dimensions for Material Items?' is set as 'Off', this flag will be set as 'Not Applicable'.

In case of 'Edit' and 'View', the value of this field will be shown as per the selected Sub-Class. You can change it in 'Edit' mode depending upon the above condition.


Dimension Items

In case you are 'Adding' a Dimension ItemCollapsed and Item Type is of 'BY' (Bought Out) type, the system will check for the existence of any Dimensions Heads provided for the combination of selected Item Sub-Class and Material entered through Formula Builder. If Dimension Heads are found for the said combination, they will be displayed automatically on the screen. Further, you can enter individual values of all three Dimension Heads. For example if Item Length, Item Breath and Item Thickness are defined as Dimension Heads, than you can enter individual values of each for the Item.


In case of 'Edit''View' and 'Copy', values of Dimension Heads of the selected Item Code will be displayed automatically. You can change them in 'Edit' mode.


Please note :

  • Dimension ItemCollapsed can be of 'BY' (Bought Out) type only.
  • It is a prerequisite to enter the Dimension Heads for the combination of Item Subclass and Material through Formula Builder option before defining a Dimension ItemCollapsed

Item Revision Number:

(Type : Alphanumeric, Length : 6)


Denotes the Revision Number for the Item. Item Revision Number can be maintained for an Item whenever there is a change in its composition.


While 'Adding' a new Item, enter the Revision Number, if any. You can keep it blank.


In case of 'Edit''View' and 'Copy, Item Revision Number of the selected Item Code will be displayed automatically. You can change it in 'Edit' mode as per the following condition.


Please note that the facility to change Item Revision Number depends on the flag 'Should ECN Entry Allow changing Drawing Number and Item Revision Number?' set through Materials Policy option of Administrator Tools Module.


If the flag is set as 'On', IMMS will NOT allow to change 'Item Revision Number' of an Item and so the field will be displayed in disabled mode. But it can be changed through ECN Entry option of Materials Module.


If the flag is set as 'Off', IMMS will allow to change 'Item Revision Number' of the Item. It can be changed through ECN Entry option as well.


Drawing Number:

(Type : Alphanumeric, Length : 25)


Enter the Drawing Number belonging to the Item.


Drawing Revision No:

(Type : Numeric, Length : 5)


While 'Adding', enter the Revision Number of the Drawing. Revisions can be done whenever there is some change in the existing drawing of the Item.


In case of 'Edit''View' and 'Copy', Drawing Revision of the selected Item Code will be displayed automatically. You can change it in 'Edit' mode.


Please note that the facility to change Drawing Revision depends on the flag 'Should ECN Entry Allow changing Drawing Number and Item Revision Number?' set through Materials Policy option of Administrator Tools Module.


If the flag is set as 'On', IMMS will NOT allow to change 'Drawing Revision' of an Item and so the field will be displayed in disabled mode. But it can be changed through ECN Entry option of Materials Module.


If the flag is set as 'Off', IMMS will allow to change 'Drawing Revision' of the Item. It can be changed through ECN Entry option as well.


Drawing Size:

Denotes the size of the Drawing.


While 'Adding', click on the box. A list of already existing Drawing Sizes defined though Codes Master Entry (Code Type = 'DS') option in Administrator Tools Module will be displayed. Scroll through the list and select the desired Size by clicking on it or pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the Drawing Size Code.


In case of 'Edit''View' and 'Copy', Drawing Size of the selected Item Code will be displayed automatically. You can change it in 'Edit' mode.


Standard Weight:

(Type : Numeric, Length : 9)

Specify the standard weight of the Item.


While 'Adding' a new Item, enter the Standard Weight of the Item.


In case of 'Edit''View' and 'Copy', Weight of the selected Item will be displayed automatically. You can change it in 'Edit' mode.


Standard Dimension:

(Type : Alphanumeric, Length : 25)

Specify the standard Dimension of the Item.


While 'Adding' a new Item, enter the Standard Dimensions of the Item.


In case of 'Edit''View' and 'Copy', Dimensions of the selected Item will be displayed automatically. You can change it in 'Edit' mode.


Process Flag:

This field will be enabled ONLY if the flag 'Do you require Process defined in Item Master for an Item?' is set as 'On' through Inventory Policy option of Administrator Tools Module. Otherwise it will remain disabled throughout.


Denotes whether the Item has a Process Operation linked with it or not. The Process can be Internal or External.


While 'Adding', switch the flag 'On' by clicking on it if the new Item has a Process linked with it. Else switch it 'Off'.


In case of 'Edit''View' and 'Copy', the value of this field will be displayed automatically for the selected Item. You can NOT change it in 'Edit' mode. But it can be changed through Master Controls option of Administrator Tools Module.


Process Operation:

This field will be enabled ONLY if the above mentioned field 'Process Flag' is selected as 'On'. Otherwise it will remain disabled.


Denotes the Operation that is linked with the Item. The Operation can be Internal or External as per the requirement. Internal Processes are those which are preformed on an Item within the company premises whereas External Process are those which are performed outside by an outside Contractor but the Item Code remains same.


While 'Adding', click on the box. A list of already existing Operations defined though Codes Master Entry (Code Type = 'OP') option in Administrator Tools Module will be displayed. Scroll through the list and select the desired Operation by clicking on it or pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the Operation Code.


Please note that if the selected Operation belongs to the list of Operations mentioned in 'Operation Code Considered as an Internal Process' field of Shop Policy in Administrator Tools Module, it will be considered as an Internal Process. If the Operation is out of this list, it will be considered as an Outside Process.


In case of 'Edit''View' and 'Copy', the Operation of the selected Item will be displayed automatically. You can NOT change it in 'Edit' mode.


You can add an Image of the Item in this master. It will be displayed as follows-

Click on 'Change' link to add a new or change and existing image of the Item. As a result, Windows Explorer will open to select the image from the appropriate path. Once the image is selected, it will be displayed in this section. Click on icon to remove the image.


Use Manufacturing Batch:

Please note that this field will be disabled if Item Type is selected as 'Bought Out', 'Ready Sub Assembly, 'Feature' or 'SubContracting'. If will be enabled only if Item Type is selected as 'Manufacturing' or 'Assembly'.


By default this switch will be 'On' or 'Off' depending upon the setting of flag 'Use Manufacturing Batch' for the selected Item Class through Class / Sub-Class Master option of Administrator Tools Module. You can NOT change it here.


If the switch is 'On', IMMS allows to enter the Manufacturing Batch Number for the selected Items at the time of generating Goods Receipt Notes through Store & Inventory Module.


If it is 'Off', Manufacturing Batch Number can not be entered.


Use Inward Batch:

Please note that this field will be disabled if Item Type is selected as 'Manufacturing', 'Assembly', 'Feature' or 'SubContracting'. If will be enabled only if Item Type is selected as 'Bought Out' or 'Ready Sub Assembly .


There are cases when particular items are frequently purchased but at different rates. Such items can be assigned an Inward Number which actually specifies a particular rate at which the items were procured. IMMS allows to enter the Inward Number when such an item is received in the stock.


This switch will automatically be 'On' or 'Off' depending upon the setting of flag 'Use Inward Batch' for the selected Item Class through Class / Sub-Class Master option of Administrator Tools Module. You can NOT change it here.


If the switch is 'On', IMMS allows to enter the Inward Number for the selected Items at the time generating Goods Receipt Notes through Store & Inventory Module.


If it is 'Off', Inward Number can not be entered.


Use Heat No:

Please note that this field will be enabled only if the flag 'Use Inward Batch' is selected as 'On'. Otherwise it will be disabled.


By default this switch will be 'On' or 'Off' depending upon the setting of flag 'Use Heat No' for the selected Item Class through Class / Sub-Class Master option of Administrator Tools Module. You can NOT change it here.


If the switch is 'On', IMMS allows to enter the Heat Number for the selected Items at the time generating Goods Receipt Notes through Store & Inventory Module.


If it is 'Off', Heat Number can not be entered.


Use Item Serial No. :

Please note that this field will be disabled if Item Type is selected as 'Feature' or 'SubContracting'. It will be enabled only if Item Type is selected as 'Manufacturing', 'Assembly', 'Bought Out' or 'Ready Sub Assembly'.


By default this switch will be 'On' or 'Off' depending upon the setting of flag 'Use Item Serial Number' for the selected Item Class through Class / Sub-Class Master option of Administrator Tools Module.


If by default it is 'On', the user can keep it 'On' or change it to 'Off' by clicking on it.


But if by default it is 'Off', the user can NOT turn it 'On'. The option will be displayed as disabled.


If it is 'On', the selected Item can be dispatched by its Serial Number.


If it is 'Off', it selected Item can NOT be dispatched by its Serial Number.


QC Required:

Quality Control Required field for each item specifies whether it should go through the quality checks before reaching the stock or not. This allows integration with the Quality Control & Assurance Module of IMMS.


While 'Adding' a new Item, this switch will automatically be 'On' or 'Off' depending upon the setting of flag 'Use QC' for the selected Item Class through Class / Sub-Class Master option of Administrator Tools Module. You can NOT change it.


If the switch is 'On', it specifies that the selected Item should undergo quality control checks.


If it is 'Off', it specifies that the selected Item need not undergo quality control checks.


In case of 'Edit''View' and 'Copy', the value in this field will be displayed automatically for the selected Item Code. But if the Quality details have already been entered for the Item, the value of this field will be displayed as entered through Item Master - QC option of Quality Control And Assurance Module. You can NOT change it.


QC Lead Time:

(Type : Numeric, Length : 5)


Denotes the number of days required for Quality Control of the Item.


This field will remain disabled.


Automatically displays the Lead Days of the Item entered through Item Master - QC option of Quality Control And Assurance Module.


Create WO:

Specify if a Work Order is required for in house manufacturing of ‘Assembly’ / ‘Manufacturing’ / 'SubContracting' type of item or not. Work Orders are created in Planning Module of IMMS so that Production Department can start with the production of items that have to be manufactured.


Toggle the switch either 'On' or 'Off'.


If 'On' is chosen, you will be able to create a Work Order for the selected manufactured Item whenever needed.


If 'Off' is chosen, Work Order can not be created for the selected manufactured Item.


Please note that -

  • This field will be enabled only if the Item Type is selected as 'Manufacturing', 'Assembly' or 'Sub Contracting'. For all other types of items, this field will remain disabled.
  • It provides integration with the Production Module of IMMS.
  • This information is also reflected in Customer Bill of Material where it becomes crucial for availability and scheduling of the specific item.


Denotes whether the Item is a KANBAN Item or not. This field only reflects whether an Item is a KANBAN Item or not. It can not be used to define the KANBAN status of an Item.


While 'Adding' a new Item, this field will always remain disabled.


In case of 'Edit''View' and 'Copy', the value of this field will be displayed automatically. You can NOT change it in 'Edit' mode.


The status of KANBAN flag of an Item can be changed ONLY through Master Controls option of Administrator Tools Module. Please note that if the Item is a KANBAN Item, rest of the following flags will be automatically set as 'Off' -

a) Size Required

b) Use Manufacturing Batch

c) Use Inward Batch

d) Use Item Serial No.

e) Use Heat No.

f) Create WO

Item to be Considered for Work Order Receipt Costing Through Extra Issue:

This field will automatically be 'On' or 'Off' depending upon the setting of flag 'Item to be Considered for Work Order Receipt Costing Through Extra Issue' for the selected Item Class through Class / Sub-Class Master option of Administrator Tools Module. You can NOT change it here.


Dispatch without Manufacturing:

Denotes whether the Item can be dispatched without generating its Work Order or not.


In case the field 'Allow to Dispatch Material Without Manufacturing' is set as 'Off' through Sales Policy of Administrator Tools Module, then this flag will be 'Off' by default. It can not be changed.


In case the field 'Allow to Dispatch Material Without Manufacturing' is set as 'On' through Sales Policy of Administrator Tools, then the status of this flag will be displayed as specified for the selected Class / Sub-Class through Class/Sub-Class Master option of Administrator Tools Module. You can not change it.


Is this Long Lead Item?

IMMS allows to specify whether or not the Item can be purchased even if there is no Bill of Material or demand generated for it.


While 'Adding' a new Item, turn the flag 'On' if the Item is a Long Lead Item or 'Off' if it is not a Long Lead Item.


In case of 'Edit''View' and 'Copy', the value of this field will be displayed automatically for the selected Item. You can change it in 'Edit' mode.


Which method use to Issue the Material?

While 'Adding', this field will display 'Manual' or 'Backflush' depending upon the setting of flag 'Which method use to Issue the Material?' for the selected Item Sub Class through Class / Sub-Class Master option of Administrator Tools Module. You can change it here.


In case of 'Edit', 'View' and 'Copy', the value of this field will be shown as per the selected Sub-Class . You can change it in 'Edit' mode.


Please note that if the option Is KANBAN Item? is ticked, 'Backflush' will be selected automatically in this field. You can NOT change it.




Screen Layout of Drawing Files


Store various drawing and image files related to the selected Item through this section.

Field Description of Drawing Files

Click on to select the files or images. As a result, Windows Explorer will open to select the files from their respective paths. You can also drag the files from the Windows Explorer and drop them to this section. The File will be displayed in the list below. IMMS allows to select following type of files-

A list of Files will be displayed as follows-



While 'Adding' a new Item, this list will be empty.

In case of 'Edit''View' and 'Copy', this list will display all the attached Files for the selected Item.


Field Description of the list-


To view a particular File, click on icon of its record.

To delete a File , click on the icon of its record.


Sr, No.:

Denotes the sequential number of the File.


File Name:

Denotes the name of the attached File.


File Path:

Denotes the path of the attached File.


File Size:

Denotes the size of the attached File.



Denotes the Mode by which the Document has to be sent.


Click on the box. Select 'Mail', 'Post' or 'Both' from the given list.


Document Type:

Denotes the Type of Document.


Click on the box. Select the appropriate option from the given list.


Document No:

Click on the box. Enter the number of the Document.


Document Revision No:

Click on the box. Enter the Revision Number of the Document.


Created By:

Denotes the name of the person who has created the Document.


Created Date:

Denotes the date when the Document was created.

Click on the button to upload all the attached Files.

Once you have entered all the information, click on 'Save' button to save or 'Cancel' button to discard. The control will go back to the list.