You are here : Finance > Transaction > Remittance Entry
IMMS provides the facility to enter Remittance for the Debtors and Creditors to adjust the amount of transactions against the Invoices and Bills respectively.
'Normal Remittance' is displayed by default.
Specifies the Code of Account Group.
Click on the field to access a list of Account Groups and Sub Groups defined through Account Master Entry option. Select your desired Account Group or Sub Group from the list by clicking on it. Alternatively you can also enter the Account Group Code or Sub Group Code. Press <TAB>. The system will check whether the right Code has been entered or not.
Specifies the Account Code.
Click on the field to access a list of Accounts belonging to the selected Account Group or Sub Group defined through Account Master Entry option. Select your desired Account from the list by clicking on it. Alternatively you can also enter the Account Code. Press <TAB>. The system will check whether the right Code has been entered or not.
You can not select an Account that has been deactivated through Account Master Entry option. The help list will also not display such Accounts.
Next, a grid will be displayed as follows -
In case the selected Account is a Debtor Account, this grid will display a list of all authorized Vouchers that have some pending amount to be adjusted for that Account along with their individual details.
In case the selected Account is Creditor Account, this grid will display a list of all Bills passed and authorized for that Creditor.
Now press <SPACEBAR> on the Voucher that you want Remit. As a result a grid consisting of authorized Vouchers for the same Account but with reverse Type (Debit / Credit) is displayed. So if you have selected a Voucher of 'Credit' type than this new grid will display Vouchers of same Account but those with 'Debit' type and vice versa. The grid is as follows -
Now you can enter the amount that you want to remit in 'Adjust Amount' field. It should not be more than 'Voucher Pending Amt'. You can also divide the amount in multiple Vouchers.
Automatically displays the 'Voucher Pending Amt' of the selected Voucher Number for your reference. You can not change it.
Displays the sum of all remitted amount entered in 'Adjusted Amt' field.
Once done click on 'Save' button to save or 'Cancel' button to discard.
Click on 'Cancel' button to discard the remittance entries.
You can continue with Remitting other Vouchers in the similar fashion.