Click on the button to continue.
Once you have entered all the information related to the Bank Transaction, click on 'Save' button to finally save it or 'Cancel' button to discard. The control will go back to the list.
Please note that in case of 'Payment to Others' or 'Receipt in Bank', the system will check
whether the 'Transaction Amount' and the 'Domestic Amount' entered
are same or not. The transaction will be saved only if they are same otherwise the system will display an appropriate message.
The system will also check whether the selected Account is blocked or not for manual postings
. If it is blocked, IMMS will not allow to save the transaction and will display an appropriate messaged. If unblocked, the transaction will be saved.
Additionally, in case the payment is being made to or received from Others, IMMS provides the facility to raise Remittance against the respective Debtors or Creditors to adjust the amount of saved transaction. The user can opt not to remit the amount at this moment and adjust it later through Remittance Entry option. Read more...